Building App For Google Assistant Without Any Coding

Google Assistant is an artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistant developed by Google that can do two-way conversations. In this article, you’ll learn to make the first Google Assistant App without writing a single line of code.

This article will make you able to publish your own first Google Assistant App. So, without wasting time let’s get started.

Step 1: Sign in to “Action Console” and click on New Project.

Step 2: Give your project a name. I’m taking here “Deep Learning Vibes“. Then, choose your language and region. Now, click on Create Project. Once you’re done, you’ll be landed on this page.

Step 3: Scroll down and choose Templates, then click on Trivia.

Step 4: Click on Get Started.

Step 5: You’ll be using Trivia Template here, so click on it and make a copy to your own drive.

Step 6: You can remove the pre-filled contents if needed. Then, you’ll have to add the contents related to your project in it.

Step 7: Click on next and paste the google sheet URL and wait for a few seconds. If your URL is correct, your upload will be successful. Some common mistakes to be avoided

  • Make sure you have removed this part “edit#gid=—-” from your link before pasting it.
  • The link privacy must be changed into “Anyone with the link can view“.

Step 8: Click on Overview. Now, you need to click on Decide how your Action is invoked.

Step 9: Your display name should be unique. Here, I’m giving the “Deep Learning World“.

Great, you have made the app successfully on action console. Now, it’s time to test it.

Step 10: Click on Test.

Use your microphone to give voice command of invocation name by clicking on the mic icon present on the bottom left corner of your page. You can also type your invocation name to test it. You’ll be asked 4 questions and at the end of this game, you’ll get to know how well you did. Sounds interesting?

Step 11: Click on Deploy.

Now, you’ll have to fill in the important details.

  • Short and Full Description of your app.
  • Sample Invocations.
  • Images (image size is important).
  • Contact Details (your mail, your name).
  • Privacy and Consent Click on Learn More and then click on Sample Document.

    Read the document and follow the instructions. After completing, paste this doc link in privacy policy. Click on Additional Information and fill in the relevant details. Don’t forget to click the Save button.

Step 12: Click on the Release button and click on the Submit for production button.

You’ll receive an email when your action gets published on the official portal. Congratulations!! on building your first Google Assistant App.