Bulma Form Radio Button

In this article, we will be learning about Bulma Radio. A Radio button is a type of form control input that is used for selecting one option from the given multiple options. Generally, they are used as a collection of radio buttons having 2 or more radio buttons.

Bulma Radio Button Classes:

  • radio: This class is used to add a radio button with the help of the <input> element.


<div class="control">
  <input type="radio">


  • disabled: This attribute is used to disable a radio button which cannot be used to select a value.
  • checked: This attribute is used to set any radio button checked by default.


  • disabled radio button:
<div class="control">
 <input type="radio" disabled>
  • checked radio button:
<div class="control">
 <input type="radio" checked>

Below example illustrates the Bulma Radio:

Example: The following code demonstrates the above Bulma radio classes.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
      <meta name="viewport" 
            content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <div class="content has-text-centered">
         <h1 class="has-text-success">
         <section class="section" 
            <div class="container">
               <h1 class="title">
                  Basic radio button
               <div class="control">
                  <label class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" 
                  <label class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" 
                  <h1 class="title">Checked radio button</h1>
                  <label class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" 
                  <label class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" 
                  <h1 class="title">Disabled radio</h1>
                  <label class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" 
                  <label class="radio">
                  <input type="radio" 
                  <label class="radio" disabled>
                  <input type="radio" 


Reference Link: https://versions.bulma.io/0.9.2/documentation/form/radio/