Bulma Tags Sizes

In Bulma, tags are very useful. It can be used to attach information to a block or other component. Tags are mainly available in three sizes normal, medium and large. The default size of tags is normal, is-normal modifier is used if we have to reset the size of the tag to normal.

Bulma Tags Size classes:

  • is-normal: It is the default size of tags.
  • is-medium: It is used to give a medium size to tags.
  • is-large: It is used to give a large size to tags.


<li class="tag Tags-Size-class">

Example 1: The following code demonstrates the is-normal,is-medium,is-large classes of Bulma tag size.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bulma Tag Size</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet'
    <li class="tag is-primary is-normal">
    <li class="tag is-primary is-medium">
    <li class="tag is-primary is-large">


Bulma Tag Size

Example 2: We can also change the tag size at once.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bulma Tag Size</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' 
    <h1 class="title is-5">All Tags of Normal Size</h1>
    <!-- All tags will be of normal size -->
    <div class="tags are-normal">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
    <h1 class="title is-5">
      All Tags of Medium Size
    <!-- All tags will be of medium size -->
    <div class="tags are-medium">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
    <h1 class="title is-5">
      All Tags of Large Size
    <!-- All tags will be of large size -->
    <div class="tags are-large">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
        <li class="tag is-primary">
        <li class="tag is-primary">


Bulma Tag Size

Reference Link: https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/tag/#sizes