Bulma Variable Gap

Bulma Variable Gap class is used to create defined gap between columns, there are 9 modifiers of options in this class. All the classes are mentioned and described below. This class can be used as column width.

Bulma Variable Gap:

  • is-0: This class removes the gap between classes. It is similar to the Gapless class.
  • is-1: This class creates a gap between the column of 0.25rem.
  • is-2: This class creates a gap between the column of 0.5rem.
  • is-3: This class creates a gap between the column of 0.75rem and this is the default value.
  • is-4: This class creates a gap between the column of 1rem.
  • is-5: This class creates a gap between the column of 1.25rem.
  • is-6: This class creates a gap between the column of 1.5rem.
  • is-7: This class creates a gap between the column of 1.75rem.
  • is-8: This class creates a gap between the column of 2rem.

Note: This feature is only available in browsers that support CSS Variables.

Example 1: The below example illustrates the Variable gap in Bulma


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel='stylesheet' 
<body class="has-text-centered">
    <h1 class="is-size-2 has-text-success">
    </h1> <b>Bulma Variable Gap</b>
    <section class="section">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="columns">
                <div class="column has-background-success"
                  First column 
                <div class="column is-0"></div>
                <div class="column has-background-primary"
                  Second column
                <div class="column is-1"></div>
                <div class="column has-background-success"
                  Third column 
                <div class="column is-2"></div>
                <div class="column has-background-primary"
                  Fourth column
                <div class="column is-3"></div>


Example 2:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel='stylesheet'
<body class="has-text-centered">
    <h1 class="is-size-2 has-text-success">
    </h1> <b>Bulma Variable Gap</b>
    <section class="section">
        <div class="container">
            <div class="columns">
                <div class="column has-background-success"
                  First column </div>
                <div class="column is-1"></div>
                <div class="column has-background-primary"
                  Second column </div>
                <div class="column is-1"></div>
                <div class="column has-background-success"
                  Third column </div>
                <div class="column is-2"></div>
                <div class="column has-background-primary"
                  Fourth column </div>
                <div class="column is-2"></div>


Reference: https://bulma.io/documentation/columns/gap/#variable-gap