Bulma Variables

Bulma is a free, and open-source CSS framework based on flexbox. It is component rich, compatible, and well documented. It is highly responsive in nature. It uses classes to implement its design. Variables are used to store the property and can be used in repetition on the webpage.

Advantages of a variable:

  • It is used to reduce the repetition of the same thing.
  • It is used to perform mathematical operations over variables like +,-,/,*, etc…, which makes our work easier.


$name-of-the-variable: value;

Three types of variables are:

Initial Variable: This type of variable can define variables by literal value.

Variable-Name.                                  Description Type Color
$black  This variable is used to define the black color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 4%)
$black-bis  This variable is used to define the black-bis color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 7%)
$black-ter  This variable is used to define the black-ter color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 14%)
$grey-darker  This variable is used to define the grey-darker color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 21%)
$grey-dark  This variable is used to define the grey-dark color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 29%)
$grey  This variable is used to define the grey color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 48%)
$grey-light  This variable is used to define the grey-light color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 71%)
$grey-lighter  This variable is used to define the grey-lighter of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 86%)
$grey-lightest  This variable is used to define the grey-lightest color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 93%)
$white-ter  This variable is used to define the white-ter color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 96%)
$white-bis  This variable is used to define the white-bis color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 98%)
$white  This variable is used to define the white color of the element. color hsl(0, 0%, 100%)
$orange  This variable is used to define the orange color of the element. color hsl(14, 100%, 53%)
$yellow  This variable is used to define the yellow color of the element. color hsl(44, 100%, 77%)
$green  This variable is used to define the green color of the element. color hsl(153, 53%, 53%)
$turquoise  This variable is used to define the turquoise color of the element. color hsl(171, 100%, 41%)
$cyan  This variable is used to define the cyan color of the element. color hsl(207, 61%, 53%)
$blue  This variable is used to define the blue color of the element color hsl(229, 53%, 53%)
$purple  This variable is used to define the purple color of the element. color hsl(271, 100%, 71%)
$red  This variable is used to define the red color of the element. color hsl(348, 86%, 61%)
$family-sans-serif  This variable is used to define the font family of the element font-family  BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, “Segoe UI”, 
“Roboto”, “Oxygen”, “Ubuntu”, “Cantarell”, 
“Fira Sans”, “Droid Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, 
“Helvetica”, “Arial”, sans-serif 
$family-monospace  This variable is used to define the monospace font of the element. font-family  monospace
$render-mode  This variable is used to set the keyword render mode for the element. keyword  optimizeLegibility
$size-1  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 3rem. size  3rem
$size-2  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 2.5rem size  2.5rem
$size-3  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 2rem. size  2rem
$size-4  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 1.5rem. size  1.5rem
$size-5  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 1.25rem. size  1.25rem
$size-6  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 1rem. size  1rem
$size-7  This variable is used to define the size of the element by 0.75rem. size  0.75rem
$weight-light  This variable is used to define the weight of the element by 300 value. font-weight                                                   300
$weight-normal  This variable is used to define the weight of the element by the 400 value. font-weight    400
$weight-medium  This variable is used to define the weight of the element by the 500 value. font-weight   500
$weight-semibold  This variable is used to define the weight of the element by 600 value. font-weight   600
$weight-bold  This variable is used to define the weight of the element by a value of 700. font-weight   700
$block-spacing  This variable is used to define the spacing around the element by 1.5rem. size  1.5rem
$gap  This variable is used to define the gap of 32px. size  32px
$tablet  This variable is used to define the tablet-sized resolution. size  769px
$desktop  This variable is used to define the desktop-sized resolution. computed 960px + (2 * $gap)
$widescreen  This variable is used to define the widescreen size resolution. computed 1152px + (2 * $gap)
$widescreen-enabled  This variable is used to enable the widescreen resolution. boolean true
$fullhd  This variable is used to define the fullhd-size of the element. computed 1344px + (2 * $gap)
$fullhd-enabled  This variable is used to enable the fullhd-sized resolution. boolean true
$breakpoints  This variable is used to define the breakpoint for the resolution. compound  (“mobile”: (“until”: $tablet), 
“tablet”: (“from”: $tablet), 
“tablet-only”: (“from”: $tablet, “until”: $desktop), 
“touch”: (“from”: $desktop), 
“desktop”: (“from”: $desktop), 
“desktop-only”: (“from”: $desktop, “until”: $widescreen), 
“until-widescreen”: (“until”: $widescreen),
“widescreen”: (“from”: $widescreen), 
“widescreen-only”: (“from”: $widescreen, “until”: $fullhd), 
“until-fullhd”: (“until”: $fullhd),
“fullhd”: (“from”: $fullhd)) 
$easing  This variable is used to define the ease-out property to the element keyword  ease-out
$radius-small  This variable is used to define the small radius of the element. size 2px
$radius  This variable is used to define the radius of the element. size 4px
$radius-large  This variable is used to define the large radius of the element. size 6px
$radius-rounded  This variable is used to define the rounded radius of the element. size 9999px
$speed  This variable is used to define the speed of the element. duration  86ms
$variable-columns  This variable is used to define the columns. boolean true
$rtl  This variable is used to define the rtl(right to left) property. boolean false

Derived variables: In this type of variable, we can calculate variables from the values set in the previous file.

Variable-Name.                                                                   Description Type Value Computed Value                                                                     Computed Type                                                                                                    
$primary This variable is used to define the primary color of the element. variable $turquoise hsl(171, 100%, 41%) color
$info This variable is used to define the info color of the element. variable $cyan hsl(207, 61%,  53%) color
$success This variable is used to define the green color of the element. variable $green hsl(153, 53%,  53%) color
$warning This variable is used to define the yellow color of the element. variable $yellow hsl(44,  100%, 77%) color
$danger This variable is used to define the red color of the element. variable $red hsl(348, 86%, 61%) color
$light This variable is used to define the white-ter color of the element variable $white-ter hsl(0, 0%, 96%) color
$dark This variable is used to define the grey-darker color of the element. function $grey-darker hsl(0, 0%, 21%) color
$orange-invert This variable is used to define the invert orange color of the element. function findColorInvert($orange) #fff color
$yellow-invert This variable is used to define the inverted yellow color of the element. function findColorInvert($yellow) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7) color
$green-invert This variable is used to define the inverted green color of the element. function findColorInvert($green) #fff color
$turquoise-invert This variable is used to define the inverted turquoise color of the element. function findColorInvert($turquoise) #fff color
$cyan-invert This variable is used to define the cyan-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($cyan) #fff color
$blue-invert This variable is used to define the blue-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($blue) #fff color
$purple-invert This variable is used to define the purple-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($purple) #fff color
$red-invert This variable is used to define the red-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($red) #fff color
$primary-invert This variable is used to define the primary-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($primary) #fff color
$primary-light This variable is used to define the primary-light color of the element. compound findLightColor($primary)    
$primary-dark This variable is used to define the primary-dark color of the element. compound findDarkColor($primary)    
$info-invert This variable is used to define the info-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($info) #fff color
$info-light This variable is used to define the info-light color of the element. compound findLightColor($info)    
$info-dark This variable is used to define the info dark color of the element. compound findDarkColor($info)    
$success-invert This variable is used to define the success-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($success) #fff color
$success-light This variable is used to define the  compound findLightColor($success)    
$success-dark This variable is used to define the success-dark color of the element. compound findDarkColor($success)    
$warning-invert This variable is used to define the warning invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($warning)    
$warning-light This variable is used to define the warning light color of the element. compound findLightColor($warning) #fff color
$warning-dark This variable is used to define the warning-dark color of the element. compound findDarkColor($warning)    
$danger-invert This variable is used to define the danger-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($danger) #fff color
$danger-light This variable is used to define the danger-light color of the element. compound findLightColor($danger)    
$danger-dark This variable is used to define the danger-dark color of the element. compound findDarkColor($danger)    
$light-invert This variable is used to define the light-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($light) #fff color
$dark-invert This variable is used to define the dark-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($dark) #fff color
$scheme-main This variable is used to define the scheme-mail color of the element. variable $white hsl(0, 0%, 100%) color
$scheme-main-bis This variable is used to define the scheme-main-bis color of the element. variable $white-bis hsl(0, 0%, 98%) color
$scheme-main-ter This variable is used to define the scheme-main-ter color of the element. variable $white-ter hsl(0, 0%, 96%) color
$scheme-invert This variable is used to define the scheme-invert color of the element. variable $black hsl(0, 0%, 4%) color
$scheme-invert-bis This variable is used to define the scheme-invert-bis color to the element. variable $black-bis hsl(0, 0%, 7%) color
$scheme-invert-ter                                                                                                   This variable is used to define the scheme-invert-ter color of the element. variable $black-ter hsl(0, 0%, 14%) color
$background This variable is used to define the background color of the element. variable $white-ter hsl(0, 0%, 96%) color
$border This variable is used to define the border color of the element. variable $grey-lighter hsl(0, 0%, 86%) color
$border-hover This variable is used to define the border-hover color of the element. variable $grey-light hsl(0, 0%, 71%) color
$border-light This variable is used to define the border-light color of the element. variable $grey-lightest hsl(0, 0%, 93%) color
$border-light-hover This variable is used to define the border-light-hover color of the element. variable $grey-light hsl(0, 0%, 71%) color
$text This variable is used to define the text color of the element. variable $grey-dark hsl(0, 0%, 29%) color
$text-invert This variable is used to define the text-invert color of the element of the color function findColorInvert($text) #fff color
$text-light This variable is used to define the text-light color of the element. variable $grey hsl(0, 0%, 48%) color
$text-strong This variable is used to define the text-strong color of the element. variable $grey-darker hsl(0, 0%, 21%) color
$code This variable is used to define the code color of the element. compound darken($red, 15%)    
$code-background This variable is used to define the code-background color of the element.  variable $background hsl(0, 0%, 96%) color
$pre This variable is used to define the pre color of the element. variable $text hsl(0, 0%, 29%) color
$pre-background This variable is used to define the pre-background color of the element. variable $background hsl(0, 0%, 96%) color
$link This variable is used to define the blue color of the element. variable $blue hsl(229, 53%,  53%) color
$link-invert This variable is used to define the link-invert color of the element. function findColorInvert($link) #fff color
$link-light This variable is used to define the light-dark color of the element. compound findLightColor($link)    
$link-dark This variable is used to define the link-dark color of the element. compound findDarkColor($link)    
$link-visited This variable is used to define the link-visited color of the element.  variable $purple hsl(271, 100%, 71%) color
$link-hover This variable is used to define the link-hover color of the element.  variable $grey-darker hsl(0, 0%, 21%) color
$link-hover-border This variable is used to define the grey-light color of the element. variable $grey-light hsl(0, 0%, 71%) color
$link-focus This variable is used to define the grey-darker color of the element.  variable $grey-darker hsl(0, 0%, 21%) color
$link-focus-border This variable is used to define the blue color of the element. variable $blue hsl(229, 53%,  53%) color
$link-active This variable is used to define the grey-darker color of the element. variable $grey-darker hsl(0, 0%, 21%) color
$link-active-border This variable is used to define the grey-dark color of the element variable $grey-dark hsl(0, 0%, 29%) color
$family-primary This variable is used to define the font-family of the element  variable $family-sans-serif BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, “Segoe UI”, “Roboto”, “Oxygen”, “Ubuntu”, “Cantarell”, “Fira Sans”, “Droid Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, “Helvetica”, “Arial”, sans-serif font-family
$family-secondary This variable is used to define the secondary font-family of the element.  variable $family-sans-serif BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, “Segoe UI”, “Roboto”, “Oxygen”, “Ubuntu”, “Cantarell”, “Fira Sans”, “Droid Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, “Helvetica”, “Arial”, sans-serif font-family
$family-code This variable is used to define the monospace family of the element.  variable $family-monospace monospace font-family
$size-small This variable is used to define the size of the element by 0.75rem.  variable $size-7 0.75rem size
$size-normal This variable is used to define the size of the element by 1rem. variable $size-6 1rem size
$size-medium This variable is used to define the size of the element by 1.25rem. variable $size-5 1.25rem size
$size-large This variable is used to define the size of the element by 1.5rem. variable $size-4 1.5rem size
$shadow This variable is used to define the shadow of the element. shadow 0 0.5em 1em -0.125em rgba($scheme-invert, 0.1), 0 0px 0 1px rgba($scheme-invert, 0.02)    
$custom-colors This variable is used to define the custom color of the element. keyword null    
$custom-shades This variable is used to define the custom shades of the element.. keyword null    
$colors This variable is used to define the color of the element. map mergeColorMaps((
“white”: ($white, $black), 
“black”: ($black, $white), 
“light”: ($light, $light-invert), 
“dark”: ($dark, $dark-invert), 
“primary”: ($primary, $primary-invert, $primary-light, $primary-dark),
“link”: ($link, $link-invert, $link-light, $link-dark), “info”: ($info, $info-invert, $info-light, $info-dark), 
“success”: ($success, $success-invert, $success-light, $success-dark), 
“warning”: ($warning, $warning-invert, $warning-light, $warning-dark), 
“danger”: ($danger, $danger-invert, $danger-light, $danger-dark)), 
$shades This variable is used to define the shades of the element. map                                        mergeColorMaps((“black-bis”: $black-bis, “black-ter”: $black-ter, “grey-darker”: $grey-darker, “grey-dark”: $grey-dark, “grey”: $grey, “grey-light”: $grey-light, “grey-lighter”: $grey-lighter, “white-ter”: $white-ter, “white-bis”: $white-bis), $custom-shades)    
$sizes This variable is used to define the size of the element. map $size-1 $size-2 $size-3 $size-4 $size-5 $size-6 $size-7    

Generic variables: This type of variable can store a wide range that can store any kind of data, including text, numbers, dates, and arrays.

Variable-Name Description Type
Computed Value
Computed Type
$body-background-color This variable is used to define the background-color of the element. variable $scheme-main hsl(0, 0%, 100%) color
$body-size This variable is used to define the body-size of the element. size 16px    
$body-min-width This variable is used to define the min-width of the body of the element. size 300px    
$body-rendering This variable is used to set the rendering of the body. keyword optimizeLegibility    
$body-family This variable is used to define the family of the body. variable $family-primary BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, 
“Segoe UI”, “Roboto”, “Oxygen”, 
“Ubuntu”, “Cantarell”, “Fira Sans”, 
“Droid Sans”, “Helvetica Neue”, “Helvetica”, “Arial”, sans-serif
$body-overflow-x This variable is used to set the overflow-x of the body. string hidden    
$body-overflow-y This variable is used to define the overflow-y of the body. string scroll    
$body-color This variable is used to define the color of the body. variable $text hsl(0, 0%, 29%) color
$body-font-size This variable is used to define the font-size of the body. size 1em    
$body-weight This variable is used to define the weight of the body. variable $weight-normal 400 font-weight
$body-line-height This variable is used to define the line height of the body. unitless 1.5    
$code-family This variable is used to define the font family of the element. variable $family-code monospace font-family
$code-padding This variable is used to define the padding of the code. size 0.25em 0.5em 0.25em    
$code-weight This variable is used to define the weight of the code. font-weight normal    
$code-size This variable is used to define the size of the code. size 0.875em    
$small-font-size This variable is used to define the font-size by 0.875em. size 0.875em    
$hr-background-color This variable is used to define the background color of the hr. variable $background hsl(0, 0%, 96%) color
$hr-height This variable is used to define the height of the hr. size 2px    
$hr-margin This variable is used to define the margin of the hr. size 1.5rem 0    
$strong-color This variable is used to define the color of the strong. variable                $text-strong hsl(0, 0%, 21%) color
$strong-weight This variable is used to define the weight of the strong. variable $weight-bold 700 font-weight
$pre-font-size This variable is used to define the font-size of the pre size 0.875em    
$pre-padding This variable is used to define the padding of the pre. size 1.25rem 1.5rem    
$pre-code-font-size This variable is used to define the font size of the pre. size 1em    

Example 1: In the below code, we will make use of the above variables to demonstrate the use of Bulma UI variables.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content=
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <title>Bulma Variable</title>
        <h1 class="title" style="font-size:40px;">
        <h3 class="subtitle">
            A computer science portal for Beginner

SCSS Code:

$title-size: 70px;
$title-color: green;
.title {
   color: $title-color;  

Compiled Code:

.title {
   color: green;



Example 2: In the below code, we will make use of the above variables to demonstrate the use of Bulma UI variables.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content=
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
    <title>Bulma Variable</title>
        <h1 class="title" >
        <h3 class="subtitle">
            A computer science portal for Beginner

SCSS Code:

$title-size: 60px;
.title {

Compiled CSS Code:

.title {
    font-size: 60px;
    color: green; 
