Bus Reservation System in C++

The bus reservation system is an important application for managing passenger traveling. This Bus reservation system offers different features to the users such as viewing routes and buses and allows them to book tickets and cancel them if required. In this article, we will implement a bus reservation system using the C++ programming language.

Features of Bus Reservation System in C++

This Bus Reservation System offers the typical features and functionalities which are as follows:

  1. User Registration and Authentication
  2. Bus and Route Information
  3. Ticket Booking
  4. Ticket Cancellation

Components of Bus Reservation System in C++

The bus reservation system program is made up of the following components:

1. Route Class

This class contains information about the available routes. It has the data members to store the relevant information and member methods to to manipulate and access that data.

2. Bus Class

The bus class is used to store the data about the bus and the number of seats. It also contains a boolean array that is used to store the information about whether the seat is booked or not.

3. Ticket Class

The ticket class is used to store the information about the individual tickets. As all the data members are private, we have declared the getter and setter methods to manipulate the data. We also have function to print the ticket information.

4. User Class

The user class stores the information about the user, login credentials and booked tickets. A seperate class instance will be created for separate users.

5. Bus Researvation System Class

After these data container classes, we have the out main class Bus Reservation System class that contains all the logic and workflow of the program. It contains different functions to perform operations such as registerUser(), authenicateUser(), findUser(), displayRoutes(), etc.

Flow Chart of Bus Reservation System Program

Flow Diagram to Bus Reservation System

C++ Program for Bus Reservation System


// C++ program to implement Bus Reservation System
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// untility function to print line
void printLine(int length, const char c)
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        cout << c;
    cout << endl;
// forward declartions
class User;
class Ticket;
class Bus;
class Route;
// This class defines the route details and all the
// functions associated with route.
class Route {
    Route(const string& name, const string& source,
          const string& destination, int distance)
        : name(name)
        , source(source)
        , destination(destination)
        , distance(distance)
    string getName() const { return name; }
    string getSource() const { return source; }
    string getDestination() const { return destination; }
    int getDistance() const { return distance; }
    string name;
    string source;
    string destination;
    int distance;
// This class is used to store the ticked data and defines
// the related functions
class Bus {
    Bus(const string& busNumber, const Route& route,
        int totalSeats)
        : busNumber(busNumber)
        , route(route)
        , totalSeats(totalSeats)
        for (int i = 1; i <= totalSeats; ++i) {
    bool reserveSeat(int seatNumber)
        if (seatNumber >= 1 && seatNumber <= totalSeats
            && !seats[seatNumber - 1]) {
            seats[seatNumber - 1] = true;
            return true;
        return false;
    int getTotalSeats() const { return totalSeats; }
    bool cancelSeat(int seatNumber)
        if (seatNumber >= 1 && seatNumber <= totalSeats
            && seats[seatNumber - 1]) {
            seats[seatNumber - 1] = false;
            return true;
        return false;
    void displayBusInfo() const
        cout << "\n\t\t\tBus Number: " << busNumber << endl;
        cout << "\t\tRoute: " << route.getName() << " ("
             << route.getSource() << " to "
             << route.getDestination() << ")\n";
        cout << "\t\t\tDistance: " << route.getDistance()
             << " km" << endl;
        cout << "\t\t\tTotal Seats: " << totalSeats << endl;
        cout << "\t\t----- Availabe Seat -----\n";
        bool flag = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < totalSeats; i++) {
            if (!seats[i]) {
                cout << "\t\t" << i + 1;
            else {
                cout << "\t\tNA";
            if (!flag) {
                cout << "\t";
                flag = true;
            else {
                cout << "\n";
                flag = false;
        cout << endl;
    void displayAvailableSeats() const
        cout << "\t\t\tAvailable Seats on Bus " << busNumber
             << ":\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < totalSeats; ++i) {
            if (seats[i]) {
                cout << "\t\t\tSeat " << i + 1
                     << ": Available\n";
    void displayBusStatus() const
        int reservedSeats = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < totalSeats; ++i) {
            if (seats[i]) {
        cout << "Bus Status for Bus " << busNumber << ":\n";
        cout << "Total Seats: " << totalSeats << "\n";
        cout << "Reserved Seats: " << reservedSeats << "\n";
        cout << "Available Seats: "
             << totalSeats - reservedSeats << "\n";
    string getBusNumber() const { return busNumber; }
    const Route& getRoute() const { return route; }
    string busNumber;
    Route route;
    int totalSeats;
    vector<bool> seats;
// This class is used to store the ticked data and defines
// the related functions
class Ticket {
    Ticket(const string& passengerName, int seatNumber,
           Route& route, const Bus& bus)
        : passengerName(passengerName)
        , seatNumber(seatNumber)
        , route(route)
        , bus(bus)
    string getPassengerName() const
        return passengerName;
    int getSeatNumber() const { return seatNumber; }
    const Route& getRoute() const { return route; }
    const Bus& getBus() const { return bus; }
    string passengerName;
    int seatNumber;
    Route route;
    Bus bus;
// This Class is for storing and accessing user data.
class User {
    User(const string& username, const string& password)
        : username(username)
        , password(password)
    string getUsername() const { return username; }
    string getPassword() const { return password; }
    void addTicket(Ticket& newTicket)
    void removeTicket(int index)
        vector<Ticket>::iterator i = tickets.begin();
        i = i + index - 1;
    void printAllTickets() const
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < tickets.size(); i++) {
            cout << "\n\t\t------ Ticket " << i + 1
                 << " ------" << endl;
            cout << "\t\t\tPassenger: "
                 << tickets[i].getPassengerName() << endl;
            cout << "\t\tRoute: "
                 << tickets[i].getRoute().getName() << " ("
                 << tickets[i].getRoute().getSource()
                 << " to "
                 << tickets[i].getRoute().getDestination()
                 << ")\n";
            cout << "\t\t\tBus Number: "
                 << tickets[i].getBus().getBusNumber()
                 << endl;
            cout << "\t\t\tSeat Number: "
                 << tickets[i].getSeatNumber() << endl;
    int numberOfTickets() const { return tickets.size(); }
    Ticket& getTicket(int index)
        return tickets[index - 1];
    string username;
    string password;
    vector<Ticket> tickets;
class BusReservationSystem {
        // Sample routes
            Route("R001", "City A", "City B", 200));
            Route("R002", "City B", "City C", 150));
            Route("R003", "City C", "City D", 180));
        // Sample buses
        buses.push_back(Bus("B001", routes[0], 20));
        buses.push_back(Bus("B002", routes[1], 15));
        buses.push_back(Bus("B003", routes[2], 18));
    void registerUser(const string& username,
                      const string& password)
        users.push_back(User(username, password));
        cout << "\n\t\tUser registered successfully. "
                "Please login to continue!\n";
    bool authenticateUser(const string& username,
                          const string& password)
        for (const User& user : users) {
            string lowercaseUsername = user.getUsername();
            string lowercaseInputUsername = username;
                      lowercaseUsername.begin(), ::tolower);
            if (lowercaseUsername == lowercaseInputUsername
                && user.getPassword() == password) {
                return true;
        return false;
    User& findUser(string username)
        for (int i = 0; i < users.size(); i++) {
            if (users[i].getUsername() == username) {
                return users[i];
        return users[users.size() - 1];
    void displayRoutes() const
        cout << "\n\t\t------ Available Routes ------\n";
        for (const Route& route : routes) {
            cout << "\n\t\tRoute Name: " << route.getName()
                 << " (" << route.getSource() << " to "
                 << route.getDestination() << ")\n";
            cout << "\t\t\tDistance: "
                 << route.getDistance() << " km" << endl;
    void displayBuses() const
        cout << "\t\t------ Available Buses ------\n";
        for (const Bus& bus : buses) {
            cout << endl;
    void displayBusesForRoute(int selectedRoute) const
        cout << "\t\t\tBuses available for Route "
             << routes[selectedRoute - 1].getName()
             << ":\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < buses.size(); i++) {
            if (buses[i].getRoute().getName()
                == routes[selectedRoute - 1].getName()) {
                cout << endl;
    void bookTicket(const string& username)
        int selectedRoute, selectedBus, selectedSeat;
        cout << "\n\t\tSelect a Route (Enter the Route "
                "Number): ";
        string routeNumber;
        cin >> routeNumber;
        bool validRoute = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < routes.size(); i++) {
            if (routeNumber == routes[i].getName()) {
                selectedRoute = i + 1;
                validRoute = true;
        if (!validRoute) {
            cout << "\n\tInvalid route number. Please "
                    "enter a valid route number.\n";
            return; // Return to the main menu
        // Consume the newline character
        // Display buses for the selected route
        cout << "\n\t\tSelect a Bus (Enter the Bus "
                "Number): ";
        string busNumber;
        cin >> busNumber;
        validRoute = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < buses.size(); i++) {
            if (busNumber == buses[i].getBusNumber()
                && buses[i].getRoute().getName()
                       == routes[selectedRoute - 1]
                              .getName()) {
                selectedBus = i + 1;
                validRoute = true;
        if (!validRoute) {
            cout << "\n\tInvalid bus number. Please enter "
                    "a valid bus number for the selected "
            return; // Return to the main menu
        // Consume the newline character
        cout << "\n\t\tEnter the seat number you want to "
                "book: ";
        cin >> selectedSeat;
        if (cin.fail() || selectedSeat < 1
            || selectedSeat > buses[selectedBus - 1]
                                  .getTotalSeats()) {
            cout << "\n\tInvalid seat number. Please enter "
                    "a valid seat number for the selected "
            return; // Return to the main menu
        if (buses[selectedBus - 1].reserveSeat(
                selectedSeat)) {
            Ticket ticket(username, selectedSeat,
                          routes[selectedRoute - 1],
                          buses[selectedBus - 1]);
            User& user = findUser(username);
            cout << "\n\t\t\tTicket booked successfully!\n";
            cout << "\t\t\tPassenger: "
                 << ticket.getPassengerName() << "\n";
            cout << "\t\t\tBus Number: "
                 << buses[selectedBus - 1].getBusNumber()
                 << "\n";
            cout << "\t\t\tRoute: "
                 << ticket.getRoute().getName() << " ("
                 << ticket.getRoute().getSource() << " to "
                 << ticket.getRoute().getDestination()
                 << ")\n";
            cout << "\t\t\tSeat Number: "
                 << ticket.getSeatNumber() << "\n";
            buses[selectedBus - 1].displayBusStatus();
        else {
            cout << "\n\tSeat booking failed. The seat is "
                    "already reserved or does not exist.\n";
    void cancelTicket(const string& username)
        int ticketDel = -1;
        User& user = findUser(username);
        if (user.numberOfTickets() <= 0) {
            cout << "\n\t\t\nNo Tickets Booked!\n";
        cout << "\t\t\nSelect the ticked to be "
                "cancelled... ";
        cin >> ticketDel;
        // Consume the newline character
        if (cin.fail()
            || ticketDel > user.numberOfTickets()) {
            cout << "\tInvalid Ticked Selected! Please "
                    "select a valid ticket\n";
        else {
            cout << "\t\t\tTicket canceled successfully.\n";
            Ticket ticket = user.getTicket(ticketDel);
            Bus bus = ticket.getBus();
            for (int i = 0; i < buses.size(); i++) {
                if (buses[i].getBusNumber()
                    == bus.getBusNumber()) {
    void run()
        while (true) {
            cout << "\n\t------ Welcome to the Bus "
                    "Reservation System------\n\n";
            cout << "\t\t\t1. Register\n\t\t\t2. Log "
                    "In\n\t\t\t3. Exit\t\t\t\n";
            cout << "\n\t\t\tEnter your choice: ";
            int choice;
            cin >> choice;
            if (choice == 1) {
                string username, password;
                cout << "\n\t\t\tEnter username: ";
                cin >> username;
                cout << "\t\t\tEnter password: ";
                cin >> password;
                registerUser(username, password);
            else if (choice == 2) {
                string username, password;
                cout << "\n\t\t\tEnter username: ";
                cin >> username;
                cout << "\t\t\tEnter password: ";
                cin >> password;
                if (authenticateUser(username, password)) {
                    cout << "\n\t\t\tLogged in "
                else {
                    cout << "\n\t\tAuthentication failed! "
                            "Please check your username "
                            "and password.\n";
            else if (choice == 3) {
                cout << "\n\t\tExiting the Bus Reservation "
                        "System. Goodbye!\n";
    void userMenu(string username)
        int choice = 0;
        while (true) {
            cout << "\n\t-----------  Welcome to the User "
                    "Menu  ------------\n\n";
            cout << "\t\t\t1. Display Routes\n\t\t\t2. "
                    "Display Buses\n\t\t\t3. Book "
                    "Ticket\n\t\t\t4. Cancel "
                    "Ticket\n\t\t\t5. Logout\n";
            cout << "\n\t\t\tEnter your choice: ";
            cin >> choice;
            if (choice == 1) {
            else if (choice == 2) {
            else if (choice == 3) {
            else if (choice == 4) {
            else if (choice == 5) {
                    << "\n\t\t\tLogged out successfully.\n";
    vector<User> users;
    vector<Route> routes;
    vector<Bus> buses;
    void displayBusesForRoute(int selectedRoute)
        cout << "\t\t\tBuses for Route "
             << routes[selectedRoute - 1].getName()
             << ":\n";
        for (int i = 0; i < buses.size(); i++) {
            if (buses[i].getRoute().getName()
                == routes[selectedRoute - 1].getName()) {
                cout << endl;
int main()
    BusReservationSystem system;
    return 0;


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