by() Function in R

R has gained popularity for statistical computing and graphics. It provides the means of shifting the raw data into readable final results. in this article, we will discuss what is by() Function in R and how to use this.

What is by() Function in R?

The by() function is a localized function in R Programming Language that fairly the function to a specified subset of a data frame based on one or more factors. This article is going to show you the basics of the by() function and its syntax, although it will also talk about its applications with the help of examples.

The basic syntax of the by() function is as follows:


by(data, INDICES, FUN)


  • data: This parameter is attribute to the data frame, matrix, or vector that you want to perform operations on.
  • INDICES: This step addresses the specific objective of defining which of the data points will be split into the given subsets.
  • FUN: This mechanism tells which function will act on every component.

Here is the basic example of the by() Function in R.

# Create a sample data frame
data <- data.frame(
  Class = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "C", "C"),
  Student = c("John", "Alice", "Bob", "Eve", "Charlie", "David"),
  Score = c(85, 90, 78, 88, 92, 95)

# Print the original data frame
cat("Original data frame:\n")

# Use the by() function to calculate the mean score for each class
mean_scores <- by(data$Score, data$Class, mean)

# Print the mean scores
cat("\nMean scores by class:\n")


Mean scores by class:
data$Class: A
[1] 87.5
data$Class: B
[1] 83
data$Class: C
[1] 93.5

This basic example demonstrates how to use the by() function to calculate the mean score for each class in the data frame. now we will discuss different types of scenerios using by function.

1. Calculating Mean by Group using by function in R

In this example, we have a sample data frame df with two columns one kind and warm. Data in a chart can be arranged into groups “A” and “B” in the group column and value column will have numerical data associated with each group.

# Create a sample data frame
df <- data.frame(
  group = c("A", "B", "A", "B", "A", "B"),
  value = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

# Calculate mean value for each group
by(df$value, df$group, mean)


df$group: A
[1] 3
df$group: B
[1] 4

After running this code, the by() function splits up the column df’s value into two subsets unlike the values in the group column (“A” and “B”). The next step is to dedicate mean() function to each subset individually. This output indicates that the mean value for group “A” is 3, and for group “B” is 4.

2. Applying Custom Function

The example showcases how to implement a custom function range_func to computes the range (difference between the maximum and minimum values) in a given vector of numeric type.

We proceed to implement a custom function which we apply to each group in the df data frame.

# Define custom function to calculate range
range_func <- function(x) {
  max_val <- max(x)
  min_val <- min(x)
  return(max_val - min_val)

# Apply custom function to each group
by(df$value, df$group, range_func)


df$group: A
[1] 4
df$group: B
[1] 4

We get this when we run “code”: “by()” divides the value attribute of the df data frame into two subsets determined by the grouping column (“A” and “B”). Thus, it applies the input custom range_func() to each subset separately. This output indicates that the range of values for group “A” is 4, and for group “B” is also 4.

Applications of by() Function in R

The by() function turns out to be very effective in tasks where you need to make certain calculations for parts of your data depending on the values of a grouping variable. Some common applications include:

  1. Calculating summary statistics (e. g. Therefore, we need to select appropriate measures like mean, median, and standard deviation, for different groups within our data.
  2. Applying custom function of your data subset.
  3. Group-wise data manipulation or data transformation which involves performing the data tasks are.


Knowing how the by() function works is an important step towards using it properly in the analytics workflow job. Defining the data, grouping factors, and function you can quickly perform statements regarding groups and outputs that will serve the purposes of your analysis. Finally, the output, arranged in the form of the table that has the results for each group, acts as the initial step in the process of the data’s interpretation and further analysis.

by() Function in R – FAQs

Can I use the by() function with more than one grouping variable?

Yes you can mention several factors in the GROUP BY INDICES to get the results you want to by using multiple variables at once.

How can I handle missing values when using the by() function?

It is crucial to take care of the problem of missing values in the dataset before using the by() function. The solution for this is to use functions like na. omit() or complete. cases().

Do I have any other alternatives to package or package function for group-wise operations in R?

Yes, packages like dplyr, data.table, and tidyverse offer efficient and user-friendly functions for group-wise operations and data manipulation in R.

Can I apply the by() function to non-numeric data?

Definitely you can use on any kind of data, even on non-numeric data, as long as the function given in FUN is suitable to particular type of data.

How can I visualize the results obtained from the by() function?

There is a choice of plotting functions in R, for example ggplot2 or R base plotting functions, which can be used to visualize results from the data that was sliced in the by() function depending on the complexity of your analysis and the type of data that you are using.