C Program to Generate Multiplication Table

In this article, we are creating a multiplication table in c which is a basic program for printing tables in c. We are printing multiplication tables of the number up to a given range. We will use the concepts of looping and using a 2-D array to print a Multiplication Table. 

Multiplication Table

A multiplication table is a table that shows the multiples of a number. A multiplication table is created by multiplying a constant number from 1 to a given range of numbers in repetition order. 


num = 5 
range = 10


5 * 1 = 5
5 * 2 = 10
5 * 3 = 15
5 * 4 = 20
5 * 5 = 25
5 * 6 = 30
5 * 7 = 35
5 * 8 = 40
5 * 9 = 45
5 * 10 = 50

Program to Print Multiplication Table in C

There are two approaches for printing tables in c

  1. Using loops and without storing them in an array
  2. Using loops and a 2-D array

1. Using loops and without storing them in an array 

The idea is to use the concept of looping and directly print the multiplication table without storing them in an array.


  • Take the input of the number and the range of the multiplication table.
  • Declare a variable to store the product.
  • Use a for loop to directly multiply and print the Multiplication table.


// C program to Demonstrate the
// Multiplication table of a number
#include <stdio.h>
void print_table(int range, int num)
    // Declaring a variable mul to store the  product.
    int mul;
    // For loop to calculate the Multiplication table.
    for (int i = 1; i <= range; i++) {
        // To store the product.
        mul = num * i;
        // Printing the Multiplication Table.
        printf("%d * %d = %d", num, i, mul);
        // Proceeding to the next line.
// Driver code
int main()
    // The range of the
    // Multiplication table
    int range = 10;
    // The number to calculate the
    // Multiplication table
    int num = 5;
    // Calling the Function.
    print_table(range, num);
    return 0;


5 * 1 = 5
5 * 2 = 10
5 * 3 = 15
5 * 4 = 20
5 * 5 = 25
5 * 6 = 30
5 * 7 = 35
5 * 8 = 40
5 * 9 = 45
5 * 10 = 50
  • Time Complexity: O(n), as only for loop is required.
  • Auxiliary Space: O(1), no extra space is required, so it is a constant.

2. Using loops and a 2-D array


  • Take the input of the number and the range of the multiplication table.
  • Now use a for loop(variable “k”)is used to traverse the 2-D array, it iterates through 0 to the range.
  • The first column stores the number (i.e arr[k][0] = num) .
  • The second column stores the value to be multiplied (i.e arr[k][1] = k+1) .
  • The third column stores the product (i.e arr[k][2] = arr[k][1] * arr[k][0] ) .
  • Then use another loop to print the multiplication table.


// C program to demonstrate the
// Multiplication table of a number
#include <stdio.h>
void print_table(int range, int num)
    // Taking two integer variables row and column
    int row, col;
    // Initializing row with range of the multiplication
    // table.
    row = range;
    // Initializing column with 3.
    col = 3;
    // Creating a 2-D array to calculate and store the
    // Multiplication Table .
    int arr[row][col];
    // For loop to calculate the table
    for (int k = 0; k < row; k++) {
        // Storing the number in the first column.
        arr[k][0] = num;
        // Storing the value to be multiplied in the second
        // column.
        arr[k][1] = k + 1;
        // Calculating and Storing the product in the third
        // column.
        arr[k][2] = arr[k][1] * arr[k][0];
    // For loop to print the Multiplication table
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        printf("%d * %d = %d", arr[i][0], arr[i][1],
// Driver code
int main()
    // The range of the
    // Multiplication table.
    int range = 10;
    // The number to calculate the
    // Multiplication table.
    int num = 5;
    // Calling the Function.
    print_table(range, num);
    return 0;


5 * 1 = 5
5 * 2 = 10
5 * 3 = 15
5 * 4 = 20
5 * 5 = 25
5 * 6 = 30
5 * 7 = 35
5 * 8 = 40
5 * 9 = 45
5 * 10 = 50

Time Complexity: O(n).

Auxiliary Space: O(row *col), as a  2-D array is used.