C Program To Print Inverted Hollow Star Pyramid

Here we will see how to print an inverted hollow star pyramid using a C program. Below are the examples:

Input: row = 5
 *         *
  *      *
   *   *

Input: row = 7
 *             *
  *           *
   *        *
    *    *
     *  *

There are 2 ways to print an inverted hollow star pyramid in C:

  1. Using For Loop.
  2. Using While Loop.

Let’s start discussing each of these methods in detail.

Using For Loop


The approach is to use three loops:

  1. One is to control the number of rows.
  2. The second is to control the blank spaces.
  3. The third is to control the number of columns.

Then by using concepts of the nested loop one can easily print the pattern.


  1. Take the Input of row value for the Inverted Pyramid.
  2. We need to use three loops one is the outer loop to change the line and two inner loops one to print the star and the other to print the space.
  3. The outer loop iterate row times and print a newline after completing the inner loop.
  4. The first inner loop is used to print the space from 1 to (current_row -1).
  5. The second inner loop is used to print the star ( “*” ) at first and last column (i.e length _of_row * 2 – (2 * Current_row – 1)) .
  6. The second loop iterates from 1 to the last column.

Below is the C program to print an inverted hollow star pyramid using for loop:


// C program to print an inverted hollow
// star pyramid using for loop
#include <stdio.h>
void pattern_fun(int row)
    // To iterate through the rows
    for (int j = 1; j <= row; j++)
        // To print the beginning spaces
        for (int sp = 1; sp <= j - 1; sp++)
            printf(" ");
        // Iterating from jth column to
        // last column (row*2 - (2*j - 1))
        int last_col = (row * 2 - (2 * j - 1));
        // To iterate through column
        for (int k = 1; k <= last_col; k++)
            // To Print all star for first
            // row (j==1) jth column (k==1)
            // and for last column
            // (row*2 - (2*j - 1))
            if (j == 1 || k == 1)
            else if (k == last_col)
                printf(" ");
        // Proceeding to next row.
// Driver code
int main()
    // Number of rows
    int row = 7;
    // Calling the function to
    // print the pattern.
    return 0;


 *         *
  *       *
   *     *
    *   *
     * *
  • Time Complexity: O(n2), as the nested loop, is used.
  • Auxiliary Space: O(1), no extra space is required, so it is a constant.

Using While Loop:

Below is the C program to print an inverted hollow star pyramid using a while loop:


// C program to print an inverted
// hollow star pyramid using while
// loop
#include <stdio.h>
void pattern_fun(int row)
    // Declaring and initializing
    // the loop control variables.
    int j = 1;
    int sp = 1;
    int k = 1;
    // To iterate through the rows
    while (j <= row)
        // Initializing the space
        // control variable.
        sp = 1;
        // To print the beginning spaces
        while (sp <= j - 1)
            printf(" ");
            // Incrementing the value
        // Iterating from jth column to
        // last column (row*2 - (2*j - 1))
        int last_col = (row * 2 - (2 * j - 1));
        // Initializing the column control
        // variable.
        k = 1;
        // To iterate through column
        while (k <= last_col)
            // To Print all star for first
            // row (j==1) jth column (k==1)
            // and for last column
            // (row*2 - (2*j - 1))
            if (j == 1 || k == 1)
            else if (k == last_col)
                printf(" ");
            // Incrementing the value
        // Proceeding to next row.
        // Incrementing the value
// Driver code
int main()
    // Number of rows
    int row = 4;
    // Calling the function to
    // print the pattern.
    return 0;


 *   *
  * *
  • Time Complexity: O(n2), as the nested loop is used.
  • Auxiliary Space: O(1), no extra space is required, so it is a constant.