C# | BitConverter.ToUInt16 Method

This method is used to return a 16-bit unsigned integer converted from two bytes at a specified position in a byte array.

public static ushort ToUInt16 (byte[] value, int startIndex);


value: It is an array of bytes. 
startIndex: It is the starting position within value. 

Return Value: This method returns a 16-bit unsigned integer formed by two bytes beginning at startIndex.

  • ArgumentException: If startIndex equals the length of bytes minus 1.
  • ArgumentNullException: If the bytes is null.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException: If startIndex is less than zero or greater than the length of bytes minus 1.

Below programs illustrate the use of BitConverter.ToUInt16 Method:
Example 1:


// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToUInt16(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        try {
            // Define an array of byte values.
            byte[] bytes = {32, 0, 0, 42, 0, 65,
                            0, 125, 0, 197, 0,
                            168, 3, 41, 4, 125,
            // Display the values of the myArr.
            Console.Write("Initial Array: ");
            // calling the PrintIndexAndValues()
            // method to print
            // print char value
            Console.WriteLine("index    byte Array     ushort value");
            for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length - 1;
                                    index = index + 2) {
                ushort values = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, index);
                Console.WriteLine("  {0}        {1}          {2}",
                               index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes,
                                               index, 2), values);
        catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    // Defining the method
    // PrintIndexAndValues
    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(byte[] myArr)
        for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) {
            Console.Write("{0} ", myArr[i]);


Initial Array: 32 0 0 42 0 65 0 125 0 197 0 168 3 41 4 125 32 

index    byte Array     ushort value
  0        20-00          32
  2        00-2A          10752
  4        00-41          16640
  6        00-7D          32000
  8        00-C5          50432
  10        00-A8          43008
  12        03-29          10499
  14        04-7D          32004


Example 2: For ArgumentException


// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToUInt16(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        try {
            // Define an array of byte values.
            byte[] bytes = {32, 0, 0, 42, 0, 65,
                              0, 125, 0, 197, 0,
                           168, 3, 41, 4, 125 };
            // Display the values of the myArr.
            Console.Write("Initial Array: ");
            // calling the PrintIndexAndValues()
            // method to print
            // print char value
            Console.WriteLine("index    element     ushot value");
            for (int index = 1; index < bytes.Length;
                                 index = index + 2) {
                if (index == bytes.Length - 1) {
                    Console.WriteLine("startindex is {0} which is equals to "+
                                        "the length of Array minus 1.", index);
                    ushort values = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, index);
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                                index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes,
                                                index, 2), values);
                else {
                    ushort values = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, index);
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                                index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes,
                                                index, 2), values);
        catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    // Defining the method
    // PrintIndexAndValues
    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(byte[] myArr)
        for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) {
            Console.Write("{0} ", myArr[i]);
        Console.WriteLine("initial Array in string: {0} ",


Initial Array: 32 0 0 42 0 65 0 125 0 197 0 168 3 41 4 125 

initial Array in string: 20-00-00-2A-00-41-00-7D-00-C5-00-A8-03-29-04-7D 

index    element     ushot value
  1      00-00         0
  3      2A-00         42
  5      41-00         65
  7      7D-00         125
  9      C5-00         197
  11      A8-03         936
  13      29-04         1065

startindex is 15 which is equals to the length of Array minus 1.
Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentException

Example 3: For ArgumentOutOfRangeException


// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToUInt16(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        try {
            // Define an array of byte values.
            byte[] bytes = {32, 0, 0, 42, 0, 65, 0, 125, 0,
                               197, 0, 168, 3, 41, 4, 125};
            // Display the values of the myArr.
            Console.Write("Initial Array: ");
            // calling the PrintIndexAndValues()
            // method to print
            // print char value
            Console.WriteLine("index    element     ushot value");
            for (int index = 0; index < bytes.Length + 1;
                                    index = index + 2) {
                if (index == bytes.Length) {
                    Console.WriteLine("startindex is {0} which is greater than "+
                                          "the length of Array minus 1.", index);
                    ushort values = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, index);
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                                index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes,
                                                index, 2), values);
                else {
                    ushort values = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, index);
                    Console.WriteLine("  {0}      {1}         {2}",
                                index, BitConverter.ToString(bytes,
                                                index, 2), values);
        catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
    // Defining the method
    // PrintIndexAndValues
    public static void PrintIndexAndValues(byte[] myArr)
        for (int i = 0; i < myArr.Length; i++) {
            Console.Write("{0} ", myArr[i]);
        Console.WriteLine("initial Array in string: {0} ",


Initial Array: 32 0 0 42 0 65 0 125 0 197 0 168 3 41 4 125 

initial Array in string: 20-00-00-2A-00-41-00-7D-00-C5-00-A8-03-29-04-7D 

index    element     ushot value
  0      20-00         32
  2      00-2A         10752
  4      00-41         16640
  6      00-7D         32000
  8      00-C5         50432
  10      00-A8         43008
  12      03-29         10499
  14      04-7D         32004

startindex is 16 which is greater than the length of Array minus 1.
Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException

Example 4: For ArgumentNullException


// C# program to demonstrate
// BitConverter.ToUInt16(Byte[], Int32);
// Method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        try {
            // Define an array of byte values.
            byte[] bytes = null;
            // get the long value
            ushort values = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, 0);
            Console.Write("{0}", values);
        catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (ArgumentException e) {
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);


Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentNullException



  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.bitconverter.touint16?view=netframework-4.7.2