C# | Check if HybridDictionary is Synchronized (thread safe)

HybridDictionary.IsSynchronized property is used to get a value that indicates whether the HybridDictionary is synchronized (thread safe) or not.


public bool IsSynchronized { get; }

Return Value: This property always returns false.

Below programs illustrate the use of HybridDictionary.IsSynchronized property:

Example 1:

// C# code to check whether the
// HybridDictionary is synchronized
// (thread safe).
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // Creating a HybridDictionary named myDict
        HybridDictionary myDict = new HybridDictionary();
        // Adding key/value pairs in myDict
        myDict.Add("I", "first");
        myDict.Add("II", "second");
        myDict.Add("III", "third");
        myDict.Add("IV", "fourth");
        myDict.Add("V", "fifth");
        // To check whether the HybridDictionary
        // is synchronized (thread safe).



Example 2:

// C# code to check whether the
// HybridDictionary is synchronized
// (thread safe).
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
class GFG {
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // Creating a HybridDictionary named myDict
        HybridDictionary myDict = new HybridDictionary();
        // Adding key/value pairs in myDict
        myDict.Add("key1", "value1");
        myDict.Add("key2", "value2");
        myDict.Add("key3", "value3");
        myDict.Add("key4", "value4");
        myDict.Add("key5", "value5");
        // To check whether the HybridDictionary
        // is synchronized (thread safe).



Note: Enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. Even when a collection is synchronized, other threads can still modify the collection, which causes the enumerator to throw an exception. To guarantee thread safety during enumeration, you can either lock the collection during the entire enumeration or catch the exceptions resulting from changes made by other threads.


  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.collections.specialized.hybriddictionary.issynchronized?view=netframework-4.7.2