C# | Method returning an object

In C#, a method can return any type of data including objects. In other words, methods are allowed to return objects without any compile time error.

Example 1:

// C# program to illustrate the concept
// of the method returning an object
using System;
class Example {
    // Private data member
    private string str;
    // Method to set the value of str
    public void setdata(string s)
        str = s;
    // Method to display the value of str
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine("String is: " + str);
    // Method that return object
    public Example Astr(Example ex)
        // Creating object of Example
        Example obj = new Example();
        // Adding the value of passed 
        // an object in the current object
        // and adding the sum in another object
        obj.str = str + ex.str;
        // Returning the object
        return obj;
// Driver Class
class GFG {
    // Main method
    static void Main()
        // Declaring objects of Example
        Example o1 = new Example();
        Example o2 = new Example();
        // Initialize the values to the objects
        // Adding value of both objects
        // and the result will be
        // assigned into third object
        Example o3 = o1.Astr(o2);
        // Display the data


String is: Beginner
String is: forBeginner
String is: w3wiki

Explanation: In the above example, we have a class named as Example. Example class contains setdata() method which is used to set the value of str, and Display() method is used to display the value of str, and Astr() is used to add the value of passed object in current object and adding the sum in another object. In Main method, three objects o1, o2, and o3 of Example class are created. In this statement, Example o3 = o1.Astr(o2);, the value of o1 and o2 object is added and the result is assigned into o3 object.

Example 2:

// C# program to illustrate the 
// concept that how method returns 
// an object
using System;
class Triangle {
    // Data member of class
    int Base;
    int Height;
    // Constructor of class
    public Triangle(int b, int h)
        Base = b;
        Height = h;
    // Method return area of triangle
    public int Area()
        return ((Base * Height) / 2);
    // Method display the dimension of triangle
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine("\nBase of the triangle is: " 
              + Base + "\nHeight of the triangle is:  " 
                                             + Height);
    public Triangle newdimension(int d)
        return new Triangle(Base * d, Height * d);
class GFG {
    // Main method
    public static void Main()
        // Creating and initializing object
        Triangle t1 = new Triangle(2, 8);
        // Display the dimensions and area of triangle
        Console.Write("Dimensions of Triangle is: ");
        Console.Write("Area of Triangle is: {0}", t1.Area());
        Triangle t2 = t1.newdimension(2);
        Console.Write("New Dimensions of Triangle is: ");
        Console.Write("New area of Triangle is: {0}", t2.Area());


Dimensions of Triangle is: 
Base of the triangle is: 2
Height of the triangle is:  8
Area of Triangle is: 8

New Dimensions of Triangle is: 
Base of the triangle is: 4
Height of the triangle is:  16
New area of Triangle is: 32

Explanation: In the above example, we have a class named as the Triangle. The Triangle class contains constructor Triangle(), method Area() to find the area of the triangle, method Display() to display the dimension of the triangle, and method newdimension() to provide a new dimension of the triangle. The value of the dimension is returned by the object. Now in the Main method there are two objects named as t1 and t2. In this statement Triangle t2 = t1.newdimension(2);, the previous dimension, i.e. 2 and 8 of the triangle is enlarged by 2 and the result assigned to the t2 object.