C# | String.ToLowerInvariant Method

String.ToLowerInvariant Method is used to get a copy of this String object converted to lowercase using the casing rules of the invariant culture. Here, “invariant culture” represents a culture that is culture-insensitive.


public string ToLowerInvariant ();

Return value: The return type of this method is System.String. This method returns a string which is a lowercase equivalent of the current string.

Below given are some examples to understand the implementation in a better way: 

Example 1: 


// C# program to illustrate
// ToLowerInvariant() method
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main method
    static public void Main()
        // variables
        string strA = "WelCome tO w3wiki";
        string strB;
        // Convert strA into lowercase
        // using ToLowerInvariant() method
        strB = strA.ToLowerInvariant();
        // Display string before ToLowerInvariant() method
        Console.WriteLine("String before ToLowerInvariant:");
        // Display string after ToLowerInvariant() method
        Console.WriteLine("String after ToLowerInvariant:");


String before ToLowerInvariant:
WelCome tO w3wiki

String after ToLowerInvariant:
welcome to w3wiki


Example 2:


// C# program to illustrate
// ToLowerInvariant() Method
using System;
public class GFG {
    // Main method
    static public void Main()
        // calling function
    static void Convert(String value)
        // Display  strings
        Console.WriteLine("String 1:  {0}", value);
        // Convert string into Lowercase
        // using ToLowerInvariant() method
        value = value.ToLowerInvariant();
        // Display the Lowercase strings
        Console.WriteLine("String 2:  {0}", value);


String 1:  GEeks
String 2:  Beginner
String 1:  Beginner
String 2:  Beginner
String 1:  Beginner
String 2:  Beginner



  • The invariant culture represents a culture that is culture-insensitive. It is associated with the English language but not with a specific country or region.
  • ToLowerInvariant() method does not modify the value of the current instance. Instead, it returns a new string in which all characters in the current instance are converted to lowercase.
  • This method can’t be overloaded if you try to overload this method, it will give you compile-time error.

Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.tolowerinvariant?view=netframework-4.7.2