C# | StringComparer.Compare Method

StringComparer.Compare Method is used to compare two objects or strings and returns an indication of their relative sort order. There are 2 methods in the overload list of this method:

  • Compare(Object, Object)
  • Compare(String, String)

Compare(Object, Object)

This method compares two objects and returns an indication of their relative sort order when overridden in a derived class.


public int Compare (object a, object b);

Here, a is the 1st object and b is the 2nd object to be compared with each other.

Returns: This method returns a signed integer that indicates the relative values of the object a and b. The values are returned according to the following table:

Value Meaning
Less than zero a precedes b in the sort order or a is null and b is not null.
Zero a is equal to b or a and b are both null.
Greater than zero a follows b in the sort order or b is null and a is not null.

Exception: This method will give ArgumentException if neither a nor b is a String object, and neither a nor b implements the IComparable interface.


// C# program to demonstrate the use of
// StringComparer.Compare(Object, Object)
// Method
using System;
using System.Collections;
class gfg {
    public class cmp : IComparer {
        // CaseInsensitiveComparer
        int IComparer.Compare(Object x, Object y)
            return ((new CaseInsensitiveComparer()).Compare(x, y));
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Initialize a string array.
        string[] arr = {"A", "E", "D", "C", "B"};
        // Display original array
        Console.WriteLine("Original array:");
        // Sort the array using the default comparer.
        Console.WriteLine("Sort using sort function:");
        // Sort the array using the comparer.
        Array.Sort(arr, new cmp());
        Console.WriteLine("Sorting using compare method :");
    // print function
    public static void print(IEnumerable list)
        foreach(var v in list)


Original array:

Sort using sort function:

Sorting using compare method :

Compare(String, String)

This method compares two strings and returns an indication of their relative sort order when overridden in a derived class.


public abstract int Compare (string a, string b);

Here, a is the 1st string and b is the 2nd string to be compared with each other.

Returns: This method returns a signed integer that indicates the relative values of the object a and b. The values are returned according to the following table:

Value Meaning
Less than zero a precedes b in the sort order or a is null and b is not null.
Zero a is equal to b or a and b are both null.
Greater than zero a follows b in the sort order or b is null and a is not null.

Exception: This method will give ArgumentException if neither a nor b is a String object, and neither a nor b implements the IComparable interface.


// C# program to demonstrate the use of 
// StringComparer.Compare(String, String)
// Method
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string s1 = "geek";
        string s2 = "Geek";
        int st = 0;
        // Compare(string, string) method
        st = string.Compare(s1, s2);




  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.stringcomparer.compare?view=netframework-4.8