CakePHP vs Lumen

Each and every organization is showing great interest in digital recognition due to simplified processes, global market reach, and enhanced revenue generation so the demand for creating web applications has increased. Due to this development process needs to be very fast and to achieve faster and more secure web development, organizations use frameworks that ease programmers’ work. A large number of frameworks are available in the market. So let’s compare two commonly used frameworks which are Lumen and CakePHP.

What is CakePHP?

CakePHP can be defined as an HMVC (Hierarchical Model View Controller) based web framework of PHP. It is a cross-platform framework that has an MIT license. It was developed and launched by Cake Software Foundation, Inc. in 2005 and the latest release came in 2022. It supports a large number of languages.

Advantages of CakePHP

  • Interaction with the database is simple and straightforward. 
  • It has an inbuilt ORM which makes crud operations easier.
  • It has built-in authentication feature for high security.
  • It auto-detects the settings for configuration and saves the developer’s time.

Disadvantages of CakePHP

  • Default route updating is required for URL creation.
  • It supports only single-way routing.

What is Lumen?

Lumen can be defined as a lightweight, micro-framework of PHP. It is an open-source web framework that is covered under the terms of the MIT license. Developed by Taylor Otwell, this framework is very popular among developers for building microservices at a fast rate. It does not require many resources so can be used on systems with low specifications.

Advantages of Lumen

  • It is faster and lighter as compared to CakePHP.
  • It is scalable and versatile.
  • New features can be added using external packages.
  • Its response time is low due to its good performance.

Disadvantages of Lumen

  • Its documentation is not organized due to which it is difficult to understand.
  • Due to a lack of Symfony framework, it is unable to create Symfony components.

Below is a table of differentiation between CakePHP and Lumen:




Definition Lumen can be defined as a smaller, lighter, and faster PHP framework for developing microservices.  CakePHP is an HMVC-based free framework that is used in making PHP-written web applications.
Migrations Migrations can be easily implemented in Lumen. Implementing migrations is difficult.
Resource Usage It requires minimal resources for its installation. It requires more resources for its installation.
Speed It is much faster than CakePHP as its speed is 100 requests per second. It is comparatively slower than Lumen.
Data handling It has advanced data handling features. Data handling features are limited.
Official Website Official website of the lumen is Official website of CakePHP is
Developer(s) It was developed by Taylor Otwell.  It was developed by Cake Software Foundation, Incorporation.
Scalability Scalability is more as compared to CakePHP.  It is comparatively less scalable.


On comparing Lumen and CakePHP it can be found that Lumen is a good choice due to its security, scalability, and speed. It is easy to learn and can be used by beginners also. On the other side, CakePHP can be used for designing complex applications so the choice depends on the user’s requirements.