Calculate Graph Total Edge Length Using Python OSMnx Stats Module

In this article, we will see how to calculate graphs’ total edge length using the OSMNx stats Module. Explore urban connectivity with precision using the OSMnx stats module, which allows us to effortlessly calculate the total edge length of graphs derived from OpenStreetMap data, providing valuable insights into the intricate web of urban transportation networks.

Syntax of osmnx.stats.edge_length_total() Function

The OSMnx functionality to calculate graphs total edge length as follows:


Parameters: G (networks.MultiDiGraph) – input graph

Returns: Length – total length (meters) of edges in graph

Return Type: Float

Calculate Graph Total Edge Length Using Python OSMnx Stats Module

Below is the example by which we can understand how to calculate a graph’s total edge length using the Python OSMnx Stats module:

Here we are using the OSMnx library to work with OpenStreetMap data. It imports the library as “ox” and loads the road network graph of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It then calculates the total length of all edges in the graph and prints the result as “Edge Length.” OSMnx simplifies the process of retrieving and analyzing urban spatial data.

import osmnx as ox

# load thiruvananthapuram city
place = "Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala"
G = ox.graph_from_place(place, network_type="drive")

# calulate edge length
edge_length = ox.stats.edge_length_total(G)
print("Edge Length:", edge_length)


Edge Length: 6821990.129999919

Below code is used to convert a MultiDiGraph (G) representing a road network obtained using OSMnx to GeoDataFrames (gdf_nodes and gdf_edges). below code then retrieves the ‘length’ column from the GeoDataFrame representing the edges (gdf_edges). This ‘length’ column likely contains the length information for each edge in the road network.

# convert multidigraph to geodataframe
gdf_nodes, gdf_edges = ox.utils_graph.graph_to_gdfs(G)


u            v            key
245581590 6344359035 0 30.210
6953034607 0 25.319
1668239990 0 59.960
247400396 5703878990 0 10.404
2451875170 0 21.593
11640476116 7497075885 0 60.176
11671347212 6979179664 0 91.440
11671703314 7496850667 0 139.222
11722175085 11224752412 0 22.735
11722175891 6979029912 0 39.723
Name: length, Length: 69832, dtype: float64