Call a method on a Super Class in Scala

This concept is used when we want to call super class method. So whenever a base and subclass have same named methods then to resolve ambiguity we use super keyword to call base class method. The keyword “super” came into this with the concept of Inheritance.

Below is the example of call a method on a superclass.

Example #1:

// Scala program to call a method
// on a superclass in Scala
/* Base class ComputerScience */
class ComputerScience
    def read 
        println("I'm reading")
    def write
        println("I'm writing")
/* Subclass Scala */
class Scala extends ComputerScience
    // Note that readThanWrite() is only in Scala class 
    def readThanWrite() 
        // Will invoke or call parent class read() method
        // Will invoke or call parent class write() method 
// Creating object 
object Beginner
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        var ob = new Scala();
        // Calling readThanWrite() of Scala


I'm reading
I'm writing

In above example, we are calling multiple method of super class by using super keyword.

Example #2:

// Scala program to call a method
// on a superclass in Scala
/* Super class Person */
class Person 
    def message() 
        println("This is person class"); 
/* Subclass Student */
class Student extends Person 
   override def message()
        println("This is student class")
    // Note that display() is only in Student class 
    def display() 
        // will invoke or call current class message() method  
        message ()
        // will invoke or call parent class message() method 
/* Creating object */
object Beginner
    // Main method
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        var s = new Student(); 
        // Calling display() of Student 


This is student class
This is person class

In the above example, we have seen that if we only call method message() then, the current class message() is invoked but with the use of super keyword, message() of super class could also be invoked.