Cambium Networks Interview Experience

Status: New grad, Pursuing M.Tech in Data Science
Position: C++/Java Developer ( Entry Level)
Location: Bangalore, India
Date: November 2022

Total 5 rounds(1 coding + 2 Technical + 1 Managerial + 1 HR)

Coding and Aptitude round(1 hr 30 min):- The Test had 5 sections those were Identifying shapes and colors, general aptitude, data interpretation,1 medium-level coding question (GFG: Minimum number of sets with numbers less than Y) to be done in 30 minutes and DSA/OS/networking based MCQ questions. (Take the aptitude section seriously)

1st Technical round (1 hr) :
Questions were mainly from computer networks and DSA(as I was competing for software profile, for the hardware it was based on Analog and digital electronics). They asked about all basic networking concepts like socket programming, TCP, UDP, OSI model, DHCP, ARP, ipv4,ipv6, and some discussion on my projects. In DSA they asked how to add new nodes from the front and back in a linked list, traverse and Search in the binary search tree and binary tree(DFS, BFS), and binary search vs linear search.

2nd Technical round (1 hr): This round was also somewhat similar to the previous round, They introduced themselves and asked me to introduce and the interview started, they started with DSA and asked me to write a function to identify and remove the loop from a linear linked list(I told them two ways one Floyd method, second using a map) So, they started asking about the map and hashing function and how would you hash ipv4/ipv6 address avoiding collision as well. Then they moved to the operating system and asked about Process vs thread, 1 core vs 8 core, multithreading, typecasting in c/c++, shell scripting, etc. Again networking and asked what happens when you type or any address in your browser lastly they asked about sorting algorithms and their time complexity and asked me to write merge sort. Merge sort vs heap sort which is best and other counter questions as well.

Managerial Round(40 min): After technical rounds, some Candidates were eliminated, rest were allowed to sit for the managerial round. This round was a mix of Technical and HR questions, it started with a lot of discussions about me, what I like, why cambium, and what you know about cambium( do read about them like what they do and how they do it). Then they started discussing my project, its future scope, how you designed the database, why you have used postgresSQL not MongoDB and how would you scale this project for millions of users, Which subject you like the most and which the least and why, how did you passed in that subject, etc. Some puzzles were also asked like how would have scientist found out the value of pie(3.14), Why any number raised to the power of 0 is 1 and it ended with some DSA questions on how to find a diagonally opposite node in a doubly circular linked list.

HR round(20 min): Performance in all rounds till now were combined and elimination took place, I was lucky enough to get through.
This was the general Hr discussion round where I was asked about my hobbies, my college, why I applied for this job, and what do you do apart from my studies and they told me about the work and work culture at the cambium.

Thank you for your time.