Can a Composite Attribute be a Primary Key?

Answer: Yes, a composite attribute can serve as a primary key offering a unique means of identification by combining multiple sub-parts within a database table.

Composite Attribute Definition

A composite attribute is an attribute in a database that is composed of two or more sub-parts, each having meaning.

Usage as a Primary Key

A composite attribute can indeed act as a primary key in a database table, particularly when a single attribute cannot uniquely identify records. This necessitates the combination of multiple attributes for a distinctive identification.

Uniqueness and Identification

The composite nature of the attribute allows for the creation of a unique identifier for each record in the table. This uniqueness is paramount for maintaining data integrity and preventing information duplication.

Example Scenario

In a “Person” table, envision a composite attribute like “Full Name,” formed by combining “First Name” and “Last Name.” As a primary key, this composite attribute ensures the uniqueness of each person’s full name in the table


Utilizing a composite attribute as a primary key provides an effective means of uniquely identifying records in a database table, offering flexibility in scenarios where a single attribute may not suffice for ensuring uniqueness and data integrity.