Cannot Convert String To Float in Python

Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, is widely used for data manipulation and analysis. However, developers often encounter challenges, one of which is the “Cannot Convert String To Float” error. This error occurs when attempting to convert a string to a float, but the string’s content is incompatible with the float data type. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this error and provide practical solutions to overcome it.

What is “Cannot Convert String To Float” In Python?

The “Cannot Convert String to Float” error in Python typically occurs when attempting to convert a string to a float data type, but the string content is not a valid numeric representation. This error signals that the string contains non-numeric characters, making it impossible for Python to perform the conversion.

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '123.45abc'

Reasons for “Cannot Convert String To Float” In Python

Below are some of the reasons why this error occurs in Python:

  • Non-Numeric Characters
  • Comma as Decimal Separator
  • Whitespace or Leading/Trailing Character

Non-Numeric Characters

Below, the code raises a “ValueError” because the string “123.45abc” contains non-numeric characters, preventing successful conversion to a float.


a = "123.45abc"


Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '123.45abc'

Comma as Decimal Separator

Below, code will raise a `ValueError` because the string “1,234.56” includes a comma as a thousand separator, making it an invalid input for converting to a float in Python.


a = "1,234.56"


Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '1,234.56'

Whitespace or Leading/Trailing Characters

Below, code will raise a `ValueError` because the string ’67 . 89′ contains spaces between the digits, making it an invalid input for converting to a float in Python.


a = '67 . 89'


Hangup (SIGHUP)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 3, in <module>
ValueError: could not convert string to float: '67 . 89'

How to Fix “Cannot Convert String To Float” In Python

Below are some examples by which we can understand about the solution:

  • Check for Non-Numeric Characters
  • Handle Decimal Separators
  • Remove Whitespace

Check for Non-Numeric Characters

Below, code extracts the numeric part (digits and a decimal point) from the string “123.45abc” using a list comprehension. It then converts the extracted numeric part to a float, resulting in the value 123.45. This approach helps handle strings with mixed characters, ensuring successful conversion to a numeric type.


input_string = "123.45abc"
numeric_part = ''.join(char for char in input_string if char.isdigit() or char == '.')
result = float(numeric_part)



Handle Decimal Separators

Below, code replaces the comma in the string “1,23456” with a dot, creating “1.23456”. Subsequently, it converts the modified string to a float, resulting in the value 1.23456. This transformation allows the string to be compatible with the float data type in Python.


input_string = "1,23456"
cleaned_string = input_string.replace(',', '')
result = float(cleaned_string)



Remove Whitespace

Below, code trims leading and trailing whitespaces from the string ” 789.01 ” using the `strip()` method and then converts the cleaned string to a float. The result is the float value 789.01, demonstrating how whitespace removal ensures successful conversion to a numeric type.


input_string = " 789.01 "
trimmed_string = input_string.strip()
result = float(trimmed_string)




In conclusion, addressing the “Cannot Convert String to Float” error in Python involves ensuring that the string being converted contains only valid numeric representations. Techniques such as removing non-numeric characters, handling thousand separators, and trimming leading/trailing whitespaces can be employed to prepare the string for successful float conversion.