Capgemini Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

There are total 4 rounds:

Round 1: Aptitude And Verbal – In this round questions were based on logical and quantitative aptitude which is of mcq types. Along with that verbal questions are also there which is of moderate level.

Round 2: Communication Assessment – This is a non-elimination round where we need to read sentences, repeat the same sentences, and answer the short questions based on the passage and others

Round 3: Coding Assessment – There were 2 coding questions. Questions are of easy to medium level.

Round 4: Interview – 

   Questions Asked:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What are Normalization and its types?
  • Query to find 2nd highest salary of the employee database.
  • Query to get the maximum salary from each department.
  • What are BFS and DFS?
  • What are Inorder, PreOrder, and PostOrder Traversal?
  • Tell me about your academic projects.
  • Why you have chosen the particular technology for developing your projects?
  • What are your long and short-term goals?

Result: Got an Offer for a Software Engineer Role after 10 days.