Capgemini Senior Analyst Interview Experience

I am a final year student in the Electrical Department of Delhi Technological University(Formerly DCE), Capgemini visited my university for the role of the senior analyst in the month of September 2021. 

The various rounds for the selection process are listed below:-

  1. Pseudocode round.
  2. Aptitude round.
  3. Coding test round.
  4. Technical + HR interview round.

Now, let me take you through all the rounds, describing them in further detail. The whole selection process took about 2 weeks.

Note: All the rounds are web-proctored so be honest while writing the exam.

Round 1: Pseudocode round

Talking about the Pseudocode round it was an MCQ-based test of 30 min with 20 questions. It consisted of code snippets, where we have to answer the question in mainly three ways,

     1. To find errors in the code. 

     2. To print the output of the given code snippet.

     3. To answer any specific question asked around the given code snippet.

Now, once you clear the Pseudocode round, you receive a mail from Capgemini, inviting you to the next round which is the Aptitude round.

Round 2: The Aptitude round

This round of interviews consisted of 4 parts, out of which the first three parts were elimination rounds, all 4 parts are listed below:

     1. English grammar test

     2. Quantitative aptitude test

     3. Game-based test.

     4. Behavioural test round.

Again, the English grammar test was of 30 min and consisted of 35 queations, and you will be automatically logged out of the system if you do not qualify for the next part. This test consisted of basic fill in the blanks and MCQ questions. Now moving to the Quantitative Aptitude test after we qualify the english grammer test. In this part we will be given MCQ question to test our logical, reasoning and mathematical skills. It is a 45 min test and again you will be automatically logged out of the system, if you do not qualify this round. Once you qualify this round you will move forward to the Game based test, where you are tested purely on the basis of your IQ, and your remembering power. You will have to play various games and perform well in them. There is no time limit for this round. You can take as much time as you need to understand the games in trial runs, but you will be allowed to play them only once, and perform well so that you can qualify this round, you will move forward only if you qualify this round otherwise you will be automatically logged out of the system. Now coming to the last part which is Behavioural test round, which is not an eleimination round, here you will be asked 100 question and there is no time limit. This round is just to check your behaviour and there no right or wrong answer for any question in this round. 

once you qualify for the second aptitude round, you will be invited for the coding test round and receive a mail from Capgemini, which will have the test link and the steps you need to follow for completing the test.

Round 3: Coding test round

  • This is the round where your main coding skills are tested. This is a 75 min test that consists of 3 coding problems, where 1 out of 3 problems will be of hard to medium complexity and the other 2 will be of easy to medium complexity. 
  • Just practice some basic questions from GFG like prime numbers, counting frequencies of elements in an array, printing the floating value up to one decimal, you can practice similar kinds of questions that will be more than enough.
  • Also, practice in-depth questions of recursion, and Linked lists. Once you clear this round, the selected students will receive the mail inviting them for the interview after roughly one week of the coding test round.

Round 4: Technical +HR Interview round

This is the part where things can be different for different people. This mainly depends on your resume and the skills you have mentioned on it. The basic skills you need are to be good in any one programming language let it be C/C++/JAVA/PYTHON, etc. The second is, you need to be good in Data Structures and algorithms. Also, keep a good understanding of OOPs concepts and DBMS. All these things will be enough to sail you thought he interview. The oops concepts should be known to you with real-life examples. This interview round will be of 25 to 30 min (approx).

Now let me take you on a tour of my interview: 

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Ans: I told him about my educational background, and area of my interests, the language in which I code, i.e. C++.
  • You have studied core areas of Electrical engineering but want a job in the software field why? (He mentioned that he is not judging my skills but wants to know my journey, how my area of interest shifted to the Software side)?
  • Ans: I told him, where I did my there I saw resources, using which I can qualify GATE with AIR 773 (IN) and get into a Top university in India, so I did that. But after securing a seat in DTU, and seeing the coding culture here, it fascinated me. So I gave it a thought and tried to explore the coding area. (This is a brief of my answer I added and supported my point with many proofs).
  • Tell me about your projects?
  • I explained to him the 2 projects which were mentioned in my resume, I also added that I have done both the projects alone. (I thought saying about doing the projects alone will play on my part, but it backfired, see the next question).
  •  You did your projects alone but, here in Capgemini you will always have to work in teams, what is your take on that?
  •  Thought for some seconds…….. Came with an answer.
  • I explained to him, that during the learning phase you need to do projects alone, it is because working alone you get to learn from all the aspects of the project, and that skill I have earned can be used when I work in a team, I will know what kind of problems the project can face in future, and the team can be prepared accordingly. (Explained this in much detail, this is just the brief of my answer).
  • You code in C++, so why was C++ even needed in the first place, when other languages like c and Fortran existed?
  • Ans: I told about the oops concept and C++ was the language that came with oops functionality. (Here the whole pace of the interview shifted towards oops, see the next question.)
  • What are deep copy and shallow copy?
  • Ans; Explained with the help of constructors, and other examples.
  • What are constructors?
  • Ans: Explained by taking an example of a complex number class.
  • What are the various features of OOPs?
  • Ans:  Told about, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction.(Explained them in one line each).
  • Explain inheritance in detail, its types with real-life examples?
  • Ans: Explain various types of inheritances Single, multiple, multi-level, hybrid, hierarchical, inheritances. (Explained with real-world examples).
  • What is polymorphism, how it is achieved, and its types?
  • Ans: Explained about runtime and compile-time polymorphism, explained about how they are achieved using function and operator overriding and overloading (Talked about this in detail).
  • What are virtual functions?
  • Explained about it in 3-4 lines, and how they are used to achieve runtime polymorphisms.
  • Explain the difference between pure and nonpure virtual functions?
  • I explained how Purely virtual functions are initialized with equal to zero (Explained it in more than 2-3 lines).
  • Open any code editor in your PC and implement stack using Linked list, share your screen?
  • Ans: Did this, perfectly. Along with writing the code I also explained what I am writing and explained my thought process along with.
  • DONE, your interview over 

Verdict: Selected

On the evening of the same day I received the list of students who were finally selected after the interview from the T&P department of my university, I was one of them