Capital of Poland

The capital city of Poland – “Warsaw”. Warsaw is well known for its capacity to resist the destruction and changes caused by the wars. It is a symbol of strength. Rising from the ashes of war to rebuilding itself, Warsaw shines out brightly today. It is one of the fastest-growing metropolises with a population of more than two million residents. The development is very much visible in the modern skyscrapers all over the region. Many of the historical buildings were damaged and wrecked due to continuous disturbances within the territory. 

Warsaw – Historical Underpinning

Around the 12th Century, Warsaw was founded and referred to as a castle “ Duchy of Masovia”. The Duchy of Masovia was welcomed to join the kingdom of Poland around 1526. Around the Late 16h century, Warsaw was selected as the capital city of Kingdom Poland. With the formation of the capital city, several new palaces and architectural structures were created. In the course of Swedish and Prussian acquisition. Highly unrealistic damages were caused. 

The territory was again under the influence of disturbance around the mid-18th century. The people living in the right-bank suburb of Praga were uprooted by the Russian forces. Heading to the early 20th century around the 1st World war, Germans were highly active and their expansion policy was extended throughout Europe. Amidst all the chaos Warsaw became the Capital city of Poland for one more time.

Warsaw attained independence after 124 years. Cut to World war II Germans were bombing the region, and trying to seize the area. Poland was standing with immense resistance between 1940 and 1944. Strategically Poland was considered the center of attraction for the resistance movement. 

While the Soviet Union forces were trickling towards Warsaw, simmering discontent was visible within the main city. The uprising launched in the city was not led under one single leadership, rather the common masses were leading it. There were street collisions and mass vandalization of public property. After months of intrusion, and a thousand cuts to Poles, Soviet-Union Poland was occupied by general forces.

Warsaw – Tourist Attraction

Warsaw is considered the country’s central region for political, economic, scientific, social, and cultural attributes. Warsaw survived so much destruction, it is still standing tall with its popular architectural charm of monuments, streets, and historical churches. The old town is one of the most cherished locations in Warsaw. It comprises the Mermaid of Warsaw. The restaurants and cafes of the old town markets are full of life and tourists. Royal Castle is another place to visit, initially, it was considered a Royal residence. The Muranow memorial depicts the ideology of socialist realism. Warsaw Rising museum reflects the mutiny of 1944, narrating the story of the Polish uprising against the Nazi acquisition. 

Warsaw – Geographical Location and Weather Pattern

The capital city of Poland, Warsaw is situated on the banks of the Vistula river, which is located about 240 miles southeast of the Baltic coast city. The climate of the capital city lies under the influence of westerly winds. Warsaw is situated amidst the Warsaw plain. On average the daily temperature is moderate and rather cool. There is a glacier-formed basin that varies from 250 to 380 feet just above sea level. It spreads around 18 miles from the north towards the south and 16 miles segments east to west. Currently, the river is 3,900 wide. The average yearly variation in the temperature can be experienced in the mid-40 F. July has an average of mid-60 F. The January average is in the mid-20s F. Annual rainfall average 21inches, majorly covering the summer season of the capital city. Snow coverage can be experienced for 50-64 days annually.