Carnation Infotech Interview for Software Engineer

I interviewed for Carnation Infotech  Interview for Software Engineer Role January 2022 at BPMCE College through 3 Round approx 40 people took the round 1 test(Online test). But only 10 members were called for the 2nd round.

Round 1: Pre-Placement Talk: It’s so important because In this we come to know about the Company’s culture, projects, team…. etc will also be projected. ppt will help you to decide whether it’s the right cup of tea for you to sip.

You will also know about the employee benefits, employee engagement activities, etc

Round 2: Technical and HR round: There was a single interview for us which included both technical and HR round. We were called for an interview the next day Jan 2022. We were called at evening 2 PM and the interviews started at approximately 2:10 PM  the interviewer asked some of the following questions:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Tell me about your project.
  • Ask Chess Question Because my Hobby is playing chess.
  • What is a pointer, Dangling Pointer?
  • Difference C & C++

And Lastly some PHP Questions…

  • Why do I want to enter this field?
  • Questions were asked about OOPS concepts. About 6 people were selected through this interview and I was one among them.

Round 3: Virtual Coding Round: The online Coding test is conducted for 45 minutes. An online round consists of 5 Coding Questions. I was one among the 2 members who qualified for the next round. We were sent emails and messages that we have been qualified for the next round.