CarWale Interview Experience for SDE-1

In total, there were 3 rounds

  • Round 1: Basic Aptitude and Programming Questions
  • Round 2: Technical Rond (DSA Questions)
  • Round 3: System Design

2nd Round (DSA)

The Round started with a basic introduction about yourself, and then in between they asked basic questions on OOPS and DBMS, as for the coding question I have mentioned most of them below. (I have also added questions asked to my colleagues)

  1. Find k closest elements given value in a sorted list, input = 11,22,44,56,78,99 element = 56, k = 3 ans -44,56,78
  2. Find the cycle in the linked list and return the start index
  3. To separate negative numbers to the left and positive numbers to the right in an array without sorting
  4. Which 2 data structures can implement the browser’s next and previous features?
  5. Given an array, print all the pairs with a given sum. (O(n) expected)
  6. Given an array, find whether that array is consecutive or not. e.g.[1,3,2,4] => true, [0,2,4,3] => false.
  7. Given a sorted and rotated array a = [ 5, 10, 15, 20, 1, 2 ] and an element x = 1. You need to check whether it’s present in a given array and if present return the index of that element.   The solution should be < O(n).
  8. Two strings are given s1 = “helloworld” and s2 = “orldhellow”. You need to return true if by rotating string s2 you can get s1. 
  9. Given an array of N character strings, return all groups of strings that are anagrams. The groups must be created in order of their appearance in the original array.

words[] = {act, god, cat, dog, tac, ter}

output: {[act,cat,tac],[god,dog],[ter]

3rd Round (System Design)

  1. Design a Data model for the medium (blog website), and list all its features.
  2. Design LRU Cache System.
  3. SQL v/s NoSQL, explains with a use case when to use what, etc
  4. Design a system for the Doctor-Patient website with a discussion forum, design a database schema with specific tables, and also design classes with functions for anything asked.
  5. System Design for Vending machine using OOPS (Low-level design)
  6. System Design for What’s App clone.