Categories of Two Phase Locking (Strict, Rigorous & Conservative)

Now that we are familiar with what is Two-Phase Locking (2-PL) and the basic rules which should be followed which ensures serializability. Moreover, we came across problems with 2-PL, Cascading Aborts, and Deadlocks. Now, we turn towards the enhancements made on 2-PL which try to make the protocol nearly error-free. Briefly, we allow some modifications to 2-PL to improve it. 

There are three categories: 

  1. Strict 2-PL
  2. Rigorous 2-PL
  3. Conservative 2-PL

Now recall the rules followed in Basic 2-PL, over that we make some extra modifications. Let’s now see what are the modifications and what drawbacks they solve. 

Strict 2-PL –

This requires that in addition to the lock being 2-Phase all Exclusive(X) locks held by the transaction be released until after the Transaction Commits. 
Following Strict 2-PL ensures that our schedule is:

  • Recoverable
  • Cascadeless

Hence, it gives us freedom from Cascading Abort which was still there in Basic 2-PL and moreover guarantee Strict Schedules but still, Deadlocks are possible

Rigorous 2-PL –

This requires that in addition to the lock being 2-Phase all Exclusive(X) and Shared(S) locks held by the transaction be released until after the Transaction Commits. Following Rigorous 2-PL ensures that our schedule is:

  • Recoverable
  • Cascadeless

Hence, it gives us freedom from Cascading Abort which was still there in Basic 2-PL and moreover guarantee Strict Schedules but still, Deadlocks are possible

Note: The difference between Strict 2-PL and Rigorous 2-PL is that Rigorous is more restrictive, it requires both Exclusive and Shared locks to be held until after the Transaction commits and this is what makes the implementation of Rigorous 2-PL easier.  

Conservative 2-PL –

A.K.A Static 2-PL, this protocol requires the transaction to lock all the items it access before the Transaction begins execution by predeclaring its read-set and write-set. If any of the predeclared items needed cannot be locked, the transaction does not lock any of the items, instead, it waits until all the items are available for locking. 

Conservative 2-PL is Deadlock free and but it does not ensure a Strict schedule(More about this here!). However, it is difficult to use in practice because of the need to predeclare the read-set and the write-set which is not possible in many situations. In practice, the most popular variation of 2-PL is Strict 2-PL. 

Venn Diagram below shows the classification of schedules that are rigorous and strict. The universe represents the schedules that can be serialized as 2-PL. Now as the diagram suggests, and it can also be logically concluded, if a schedule is Rigorous then it is Strict. We can also think in another way, say we put a restriction on a schedule which makes it strict, adding another to the list of restrictions make it Rigorous. Take a moment to again analyze the diagram and you’ll definitely get it. 

Image – Venn Diagram showing categories of languages under 2-PL

Now, let’s see the schedule below, tell me if this schedule can be locked using 2-PL, and if yes, show how and what class of 2-PL does your answer belongs to. 

  T1 T2
1 Read(A)  
2   Read(A)
3 Read(B)  
4 Write(B)  
5 Commit  
6   Read(B)
7   Write(B)
6   Commit

Yes, the schedule is conflict serializable, so we can try implementing 2-PL. So, let’s try…  


  T1 T2
1 Lock-S(A)  
2 Read(A)  
3   Lock-S(A)
4   Read(A)
5 Lock-X(B)  
6 Read(B)  
7 Write(B)  
8 Commit  
9 Unlock(A)  
10 Unlock(B)  
11   Lock-X(B)
12   Read(B)
13   Write(B)
14   Commit
15   Unlock(A)
16   Unlock(B)

Now, this is one way I choose to implement the locks on A and B. You may try a different sequence but remember to follow the 2-PL protocol. With that said, observe that our locks are released after Commit operation so this satisfies Strict 2-PL protocol. 

By now, I guess you must’ve got the idea of how to differentiate between types of 2-PL. Remember the theory as problems come in the examination sometimes just based on theoretical knowledge. Next, we’ll look at some examples of Conservative 2-PL and how does it differ from the above two types of 2-PL. What makes it Deadlock free and also so difficult to implement. Then we’ll conclude the topic of 2-PL. Shortly we’ll move on to another type of Lock-based Protocol- Graph-Based Protocols. They are also very interesting and provides a unique method to deal with the problem of Deadlocks! So we’ll learn a new type of locking protocol, that will conclude the topic of Lock-based Protocol for GATE, till then Happy Learning. 

GATE-related question: GATE CS | IT 2004 | Question 77