CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper 2013 with Solutions

The CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper for 2013 provides valuable practice material for students preparing for their board exams. This document includes a set of questions covering various topics in social science, allowing students to assess their knowledge and test-taking skills. The solutions provided offer guidance and explanations to help students understand the correct answers and improve their performance. This resource serves as a useful tool for self-assessment and exam preparation.

CBSE Class 10 Geography Previous Year Question Paper 2013 With Solutions

Time Allowed: 3 hours                                                              Maximum Marks: 90 Marks

Question 1: The artisans, industrial workers, and peasants revolted against which one of the following in 1848?

[1] a) Economic Hardship

b) Political Instability

c) Monarchy

d) Revolutionary War

(a) Economic Hardship.


Who, among the following, led the Scholars Revolt of 1868, in Vietnam?

a) Teachers and Students

b) Professionals

c) Officials of Imperial Court

d) The Elites

(a) Teachers and Students.

Question 2 Which one of the following was the main reason to withdraw Non-cooperation Movement?

[1] a) Movement turning violent

b) Leaders were tired

c) Satyagrahis needed to be trained

d) All of the above

a) Movement turning violent.

Question 3 India is referred to as a ‘Super Power’ in the world in which one of the following non- Conventional sources of energy?

[1] a) Solar Energy

b) Wind Power

c) Bio Gas

d) Tidal Energy

(a) Solar Energy.

Question 4 Which one of the following is a public interest group?


b) Railway Employees Union of India

c) Sarafa Bazar Union

d) Merchant’s Union

(b) Railway Employees Union of India.

Question 5 Which one among the following countries has a two-party system?

[1] a) United Kingdom

b) China

c) Indo-China

d) Japan

(a) United Kingdom

Question 6 Democracies are different from one another in terms of which one of the following?

a) Culture

b) Social situations

c) Economic activities

d) All the above

(d) All the above

Question 7 Which one of the following is the main source of credit for rich urban households? [1]

a) Moneylenders

b) Businessmen

c) Banks

d) Self-help groups

(c) Banks

Question 8 Which one of the following was the main aim to form ‘World Trade Organisation’? [1]

a) To liberalise international trade

b) To promote trade of rich countries

c) To promote trade of poor countries

d) To promote bilateral trade

(a) To liberalize international trade.

Question 9 Hallmark is the certification maintained for standardisation for which one of the following? 1]

[ a) Jewellery

b) Electrical goods

c) Edible oil

d) Refrigeration

(a) Jewellery

Question 10 Why was the decade of 1830s known as great economic hardship in Europe? Explain any three reasons.

The decade of 1830s in Europe was known as a period of great economic hardship for several reasons:

a) Economic Recession: Europe faced economic recessions, leading to unemployment and poverty.

b) Crop Failures: Poor harvests and crop failures resulted in food shortages.

c) Industrialization Impact: Rapid industrialization disrupted traditional livelihoods, causing distress.


Why was the ‘Tonkin School’ started in Vietnam? Explain any three reasons?

The ‘Tonkin School’ was started in Vietnam for several reasons:

  1. Modern Education: It aimed to provide modern education, introducing Western-style learning and knowledge to Vietnamese students.
  2. Colonial Influence: The school was part of French colonial efforts to promote their culture and language, which served their imperial interests.
  3. Elite Education: It primarily catered to the elites and officials of the Vietnamese society, creating a class of individuals who were aligned with French rule and administration.

Question 11 Explain any three measures taken by the British government to repress the movement started against the Rowlatt Act. [3]

The British government took several measures to repress the movement against the Rowlatt Act:

a) Arrests: Many leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi, were arrested.

b) Censorship: Censorship was imposed on the press to control the spread of information.

c) Repressive Laws: Laws like the Press Act and the Defence of India Act were used to suppress dissent.

Question 12 Which were the two types of demands mentioned by Gandhi in his letter to Viceroy Irwin on 31January 1930? Why was the abolition of ‘salt tax’ the most stirring demand? Explain. [3]

In his letter to Viceroy Irwin in 1930, Gandhi presented two demands: the abolition of the salt tax and the grant of civil liberties. The abolition of the salt tax was the most stirring demand because salt was a necessity for all Indians, and its monopoly and taxation by the British symbolized oppression. This demand resonated deeply with the masses, as it affected every Indian and represented a powerful symbol of resistance during the Salt March.

Question 13 Explain any three objectives of the ‘National Jute Policy, 2005’.

The National Jute Policy, 2005, had three key objectives:

  1. Promote Jute Industry: To promote and develop the jute industry, ensuring its sustainability and growth.
  2. Ensure Remunerative Prices: To ensure remunerative prices to jute farmers for their produce, thereby supporting rural livelihoods.
  3. Increase Production and Productivity: To increase the production and productivity of raw jute through various measures and technological advancements.

Question 14 Why is India not able to perform to her full potential in iron and steel production? Explain any three reasons. [3]

India faces challenges in achieving its full potential in iron and steel production due to several factors:

  1. Outdated Technology: Many Indian steel plants use outdated technology, hindering efficiency and competitiveness.
  2. High Production Costs: Factors like high energy costs and limited availability of coking coal contribute to elevated production costs.
  3. Low-Grade Raw Materials: The quality of domestically available iron ore and coal is often low, impacting the quality of steel produced.

Question 15 How are means of transport and communication complementary to each other? Explain with three examples. [3]

Means of transport and communication are complementary as they facilitate the movement of goods and information. For example, railways transport goods across vast distances while telecommunication systems enable real-time tracking and coordination. Similarly, shipping carries cargo across oceans, and the internet enables global business communication, making these systems interdependent for efficient global trade and communication.

Question 16 What are pressure groups? How are they different from political parties? Explain. [3]

Pressure groups are organizations formed to advocate for specific issues and influence government policies, often without contesting elections. They aim to promote their members’ interests and causes. In contrast, political parties seek to gain political power by contesting elections, forming governments, and implementing broader policy agendas. While both pressure groups and political parties engage in political activities, their primary objectives and methods differ. Pressure groups focus on issue-specific advocacy and lobbying, while political parties aim to govern and represent a wider spectrum of policies and ideologies.

Question 17 How do you feel that democracy is better than any other form of government? Explain. [3]

Democracy is considered superior to other forms of government because it prioritizes individual rights, representation, and peaceful transitions of power. It ensures citizens have a say in decision-making, fosters accountability through elections, and provides a framework for diverse voices to be heard. Moreover, democratic principles encourage the protection of human rights and freedoms. While no system is without flaws, democracy’s emphasis on inclusivity and checks and balances makes it a preferred choice for many societies aiming for fair governance and societal progress.

Question 18 Explain with examples how some countries face foundational challenge of democracy. [3]

Several countries face foundational challenges to democracy. For example, in Myanmar, the military’s control undermines democratic institutions, leading to protests and instability. In Venezuela, political polarization has eroded democratic norms, resulting in authoritarian tendencies. Additionally, countries like Belarus and Zimbabwe experience electoral irregularities and suppression of opposition, challenging the democratic process. These cases highlight the struggle to establish and maintain democratic foundations, including free and fair elections, respect for the rule of law, and protection of human rights.

Question 19 How are local companies benefitted by collaborating with multinational corporations? Explain with examples. [3]

Local companies can benefit from collaborating with multinational corporations (MNCs) in several ways:

  1. Access to Technology and Expertise: MNCs often bring advanced technology and expertise, helping local firms improve their products and processes. For instance, a local technology startup partnering with a global tech giant can gain access to cutting-edge innovations.
  2. Market Expansion: Collaborating with MNCs can provide local companies with opportunities to expand into international markets. For example, a local food producer partnering with a global distributor can access new markets abroad.
  3. Financial Resources: MNCs can invest capital in local companies, boosting their financial stability and growth prospects. An investment from a multinational bank can strengthen a local financial institution.

Question 20 ‘Cheap and affordable credit is essential for poor households both in rural and urban areas’. In the light of the above statement, explain the social and economic values attached to it. [3]

Cheap and accessible credit for poor households, whether in rural or urban areas, holds immense social and economic significance. Socially, it empowers marginalized communities, allowing them to invest in education, healthcare, and housing, leading to improved living standards and overall well-being. Economically, it stimulates entrepreneurship, fosters small businesses, and generates income opportunities, contributing to poverty reduction and economic development. Moreover, it promotes financial inclusion and stability, ensuring that vulnerable populations have a safety net during times of crisis. In essence, affordable credit is a cornerstone of poverty alleviation and inclusive growth, benefiting society as a whole.

Question 21 Explain the ‘Right to Seek Redressal with an example. [5]

The ‘Right to Seek Redressal’ is a crucial aspect of consumer protection, allowing consumers to seek remedies for product or service-related issues. For example, consider a scenario where a consumer purchases a faulty refrigerator that fails to cool properly. Despite several attempts to repair it, the issue persists. In this case, the consumer can exercise their right to seek redressal by filing a complaint with the relevant consumer dispute redressal forum. These forums provide a platform for consumers to present their grievances, seek compensation, or request a replacement. This right ensures consumers’ voices are heard and their concerns addressed, promoting fair trade practices.

Question 22 Describe the role of culture in shaping the feelings of nationalism in Europe from 1830 to the end of the 19th century. [5]

Culture played a pivotal role in shaping nationalist sentiments in Europe from 1830 to the late 19th century. It served as a unifying force, fostering a sense of shared identity among diverse populations. Cultural elements such as language, literature, art, and folklore were used to promote national pride and distinguish one’s nation from others. Romanticism, a cultural movement, celebrated national heritage and history, fueling the desire for political sovereignty. Additionally, cultural events like festivals and ceremonies reinforced national bonds. Ultimately, culture served as a catalyst for the emergence of modern nation-states, where people identified with a common culture and history.


Question Describe any five features of the ‘Go East Movement’.

The ‘Go East Movement’ was a significant initiative in India’s struggle for independence. It aimed to mobilize Indians to move to the eastern regions of the country, away from British-controlled areas. The movement had several features:

  1. Promotion of self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
  2. Emphasis on cottage industries and rural development.
  3. Advocacy for the use of swadeshi (locally made) goods.
  4. Encouragement of indigenous education and culture.
  5. Fostering a sense of national pride and unity among Indians.

Question 24 Why is it necessary to conserve mineral resources? Suggest any four ways to conserve mineral resources.

The ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’ was initiated by Mahatma Gandhi to protest against unjust British colonial policies. Its key features were:

  1. Nonviolent non-cooperation with British authorities.
  2. Large-scale participation of Indians, including women.
  3. Salt Satyagraha, a symbolic act of making salt in defiance of the salt tax.
  4. Boycott of British-made goods and promotion of swadeshi products.
  5. Unity among diverse Indian communities and regions.

Question 25:’Advancement of the international trade of a country is an index of its economic prosperity. Justify the statement with five arguments.

Advancement in international trade reflects a country’s economic prosperity due to various reasons:

  1. Increased exports generate revenue and boost the economy.
  2. Access to foreign markets creates opportunities for growth.
  3. Diversification of trade reduces dependence on a single market.
  4. Foreign investments stimulate economic development.
  5. Exchange of technology and ideas drives innovation and competitiveness.

Question 26 ‘No party system is ideal for all countries and in I situations’. Justify the statement with five arguments. [5]

Different countries and situations require varying party systems. For example, a multiparty system encourages representation of diverse views, while a two-party system can provide stability. Additionally, proportional representation suits some nations, whereas a first-past-the-post system benefits others. Context and historical factors determine the ideal party system.

Question 27 ‘Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities’. Examine the statement with examples. [5]

Democracies may struggle to reduce economic inequalities due to factors like unequal access to education, resources, and opportunities. For instance, in the United States, income disparities persist despite its democratic system. Similarly, in India, caste-based disparities persist despite political equality. Thus, while democracies aim to reduce inequalities, structural challenges can hinder their success.

Question 28 What are the two categories of sources of credit? Mention four features of each. [5]

The two categories of sources of credit are formal and informal.

Formal Sources of Credit:

  1. Banks: Provide loans with interest rates, require collateral, and have standardized procedures.
  2. Financial Institutions: Offer specialized financial services, such as housing loans and business loans, with structured terms.
  3. Cooperative Societies: Operate as member-based institutions, providing credit to their members.
  4. Government Programs: Implement credit schemes for specific sectors, often with subsidized interest rates.

Informal Sources of Credit:

  1. Moneylenders: Offer loans without strict documentation but charge high-interest rates.
  2. Friends and Family: Provide loans based on trust and personal relationships, often interest-free.
  3. Pawnbrokers: Accept valuables as collateral for short-term loans.
  4. Traders and Employers: Extend credit to workers or customers, usually for consumption purposes.

Question 29 How has improvement in technology stimulated the globalisation process? Explain with five examples. [5]

The improvement in technology has played a significant role in stimulating the globalization process by facilitating the exchange of goods, information, and services across borders. Here are five examples:

  1. E-commerce: Online platforms like Amazon and Alibaba enable global trade, connecting buyers and sellers worldwide.
  2. Communication: Advances in telecommunications allow for real-time communication and collaboration across continents.
  3. Digital Payments: Payment systems like PayPal and cryptocurrencies enable international transactions.
  4. Transportation: Modern logistics and shipping technologies expedite the movement of goods globally.
  5. Data Sharing: Big data analytics and cloud computing facilitate global data sharing and analysis, benefiting various industries.

Question 30.1 Two features, A and B, are marked in the political outline map of India. Identify these features with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map:

[2] (A) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held in 1927.

(B) The place where the Non-cooperation Movement was called off.

30.2 On the same given political map of India, locate and label the following features with appropriate symbols:

[3] 1. Kaiga – Nuclear Power Plant

ii. Bhilai-Iron and Steel Centre Kandia – Major Sea Port

30.1 (A) The place where the Indian National Congress Session was held in 1927 is Madras (Chennai). (B) The place where the Non-cooperation Movement was called off is Chauri Chaura.

30.2 On the same map:

  1. Kaiga – Nuclear Power Plant is located in Karnataka.
  2. Bhilai – Iron and Steel Centre is in Chhattisgarh.
  3. Kandla – Major Sea Port is situated in the Gulf of Kutch in Gujarat.