Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws – NCERT Solutions For Class 8

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws This article includes free NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws to help students of Class 8 learn the solutions and ace their exams.

It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, and guidelines to help the students of Class 8 create a solid conceptual base for Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws

The solutions to all the exercises in Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws of your NCERT textbook have been collectively covered in NCERT Solutions Class 8 Political Science.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws

Exercise Page No. 45

1. Why do you think our national movement supported the idea that all adults have a right to vote?


The national movement supported the idea that all adults have the right to vote because:

  1. Fairness and Equality: The national movement believed that everyone should be treated equally. Giving all adults the right to vote meant that everyone had a fair chance to have their say in how the country is governed.
  2. Listening to Everyone’s Voice: They thought it was important to listen to what every person had to say, not just a few. By letting all adults vote, leaders could understand what most people wanted and make decisions that reflected those wishes.
  3. Stopping Discrimination: In the past, some people couldn’t vote because of their gender, religion, or social status. The national movement wanted to end this unfairness and make sure everyone, no matter who they were, could participate in shaping the country’s future.
  4. Uniting the Nation: They believed that for India to become strong and united, everyone needed to be involved. By letting all adults vote, it helped bring people together and create a sense of belonging and responsibility toward the nation.
  5. Representing Everyone: When leaders are chosen through voting, they are more likely to represent the interests of all citizens, not just a few powerful groups. This ensures that the government works for the benefit of everyone, not just a select few.

2. In this 2004 map of Parliamentary constituencies alongside, roughly identify the constituencies in your State. What is the name of the MP from your constituency? How many MPs does your state have? Why are certain constituencies coloured green while others are coloured blue?


In my constituency, which is called _____ (constituency name), the Member of Parliament (MP) is _____ (name of MP). He/She belongs to the _____ (political party name). In our state, there are _____ (No. of MPs in your state) MPs.

Some constituencies are colored green, and others are blue because they are reserved for Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Scheduled Castes (SC) respectively.

3. You have read in Chapter 1 that the ‘Parliamentary form of government’ that exists in India has three tiers. This includes the Parliament (central government) and the various State Legislatures (state governments). Fill in the following table with information on the various representatives from your area:

State Government

Central Government

Which political party/parties is/are currently in power?

Who (name) is the current representative from your area?

Which political parties currently form the Opposition?

When were elections last held?

When will the next elections be held?

How many women representatives are there (from your state)?


State Government

Central Government

Which political party/parties is/are currently in power?



Who (name) is the current representative from your area?

B. B Batra

Arvind Sharma

Which political parties currently form the Opposition?



When were elections last held?



When will the next elections be held?



How many women representatives are there (from your state)?



4. Re-read the storyboard on how a new law on domestic violence got passed. Describe in your own words the different ways in which women’s groups worked to make this happen.


Women’s groups used a combination of strategies, including awareness-raising, public protests, legal support, public pressure, media campaigns, and petitions to the government to successfully lobby for the passage of a new law on domestic violence. Their collective efforts were instrumental in bringing about legislative change and providing greater protection to survivors of domestic abuse. They used various methods to make this happen:

  1. Awareness Campaigns: Conducted workshops and seminars to educate people about domestic violence.
  2. Advocacy and Lobbying: Persuaded policymakers through meetings and sharing research data.
  3. Legal Support: Provided counseling and legal aid to victims seeking justice.
  4. Public Pressure: Organized protests and demonstrations to push for legislative action.
  5. Media Campaigns: Utilized media platforms to raise awareness and garner public support.

Their collective efforts were instrumental in bringing about legislative change and providing greater protection to survivors of domestic abuse.

Important Topics Discussed in the Chapter

FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3: Parliament and Making of Laws

What is the significance of Chapter 3 in Class 8 political Science?

The significance of Chapter 3 in Class 8 political Science lies in its explaination of the functioning and importance of the Parliament in India’s democratic system, helping students understand the key role of legislative bodies in governance and lawmaking.

What are the important topics discussed in the chapter?

Important topics discussed in the chapter are:

  • Functions of the Parliament
  • Role of Opposition in Parliament
  • Law Making Procedure in Parliament
  • Legislative Procedure in Parliament 
  • Parliament of India
  • The Importance of Parliament
  • Relationship Between Parliament and Judiciary
  • Why do we need Parliament?

How do NCERT Solutions help in understanding Chapter 3 concepts?

NCERT Solutions provide comprehensive explanations, examples, and exercises to help students grasp the concepts of political science introduced in Chapter 3 effectively.

Where can I find the correct NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3 on the online platform?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Political Science Chapter 3 can be found by the students on the w3wiki website. The NCERT Solutions are one of the best study materials which are available for students for free and students can rely on them for examination purposes.