Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice – NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice This article includes free NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice to help students of Class 8 learn the solutions and ace their exams.

It has been developed by the subject matter experts at GFG, according to the latest CBSE Syllabus 2023-24, and guidelines to help the students of Class 8 create a solid conceptual base for Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice.

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NCERT Solutions Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice

Exercise Page No. 111

Q1. Talk to two workers (For example, construction workers, farm workers, factory workers, workers at any shop) to find out if they are receiving the minimum wages laid down by law.


Minimum wages are the lowest remuneration that employers can legally pay their employees. The government enforces this law so that employers may not exploit their workers by paying them low wages. Minimum wage policies can vary significantly between countries or even within a country, with different regions, sectors, or age groups having their own minimum wage rates. For example, farm workers in villages might not receive minimum wages. Women workers might also not receive equal wages as men, which is not permitted by law

Many workers at shops, farms, factories, and construction sites do not receive the minimum wages laid down by law. Examples of minimum wage violations that could be found by talking to two workers:

  • A construction worker:  A construction worker might earn Rs. 400 daily, which is below the minimum wage of Rs. 565 for semi-skilled workers. This suggests a potential underpayment of Rs. 165 per day.
  • Shop workers: A shop worker might earn Rs. 5000 per month, which is below the minimum wage of Rs. 14,698 for non-matriculate workers. This suggests a potential underpayment of almost Rs. 9700 per month.

Q2. What are the advantages to foreign companies in setting up production in India?


The advantages for foreign companies in setting up production in India, are:

  1. Vast Market: Access to a large and growing consumer base of over 1.3 billion people.
  2. Cost-Effective Labor: Availability of skilled and semi-skilled labor at lower wage rates.
  3. Strategic Location: Proximity to key global markets in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
  4. Government Incentives: Offers tax breaks, subsidies, and incentives to promote foreign investment.
  5. Infrastructure Development: Investments in transportation, logistics, and industrial parks to support manufacturing.
  6. Technological Innovation: Access to emerging technologies and a growing ecosystem of startups.
  7. Liberalized Policies: Economic reforms making it easier for foreign companies to set up operations.
  8. Access to Raw Materials: Availability of natural resources like minerals, metals, and agricultural products.

Q3. Do you think the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy got justice? Discuss.


The Bhopal gas tragedy occurred on December 2, 1984, when the management of a pesticide facility neglected safety protocols, resulting in 8,000 deaths and 50,000 permanent disabilities. The victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy did not receive comprehensive justice as:

  1. Legal Settlement: Union Carbide, the American company responsible for the tragedy, settled with the Indian government for $470 million in 1989. However, this amount was widely criticized as inadequate compensation for the victims.
  2. Long-Term Health Impacts: The gas leak caused significant immediate casualties, and thousands continue to suffer from long-term health issues. Many victims did not receive adequate medical care or compensation for ongoing health problems.
  3. Environmental Damage: The gas leak also resulted in severe environmental damage to the surrounding area, affecting soil, water, and vegetation. Remediation efforts were limited, leaving environmental concerns largely unaddressed.
  4. Corporate Accountability: Despite evidence of negligence and safety violations by Union Carbide, accountability measures were limited. The company’s CEO at the time, Warren Anderson, faced charges but never stood trial in India.
  5. Government Response: Critics argue that the Indian government’s handling of the tragedy was inadequate, both in terms of immediate relief efforts and long-term rehabilitation programs for victims.

Some legal and financial settlements were reached, the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy did not receive comprehensive justice. Many continue to suffer from health issues, and environmental concerns persist, highlighting the ongoing challenges in addressing industrial disasters and ensuring corporate accountability.

Q4. What do we mean when we speak of law enforcement? Who is responsible for enforcement? Why is enforcement so important?


Law enforcement means ensuring that people obey the laws set by the government. It involves agencies like the police, courts, and prisons. These agencies catch criminals, judge them in court, and, if found guilty, punish them. Enforcement is essential for several reasons:

  1. Maintaining Order: Law enforcement agencies play a vital role in maintaining public order and safety within society by deterring criminal behavior and responding to incidents promptly.
  2. Upholding Justice: Enforcement ensures that individuals who violate laws are held accountable for their actions and subjected to appropriate legal consequences, thereby upholding the principles of justice and fairness.
  3. Protection of Rights: Effective enforcement helps protect the rights and freedoms of individuals by deterring unlawful behavior and providing recourse for victims of crimes.
  4. Deterrence: Visible and effective enforcement acts as a deterrent to potential lawbreakers, reducing the likelihood of criminal activity and promoting compliance with laws and regulations.
  5. Promoting Rule of Law: Enforcement of laws is fundamental to the functioning of a democratic society governed by the rule of law. It helps ensure that laws are applied uniformly and fairly to all members of society, regardless of their status.

Q5. How can laws ensure that markets work in a manner that is fair? Give two examples to support your answer.


Laws helps in ensuring that markets operate fairly by establishing rules and regulations that promote competition, protect consumers, and prevent unfair practices. The two examples of how laws can ensure fair market functioning:

  1. Competition Act: The Competition Act, 2002, aims to promote fair competition and prevent anti-competitive practices. It prohibits activities such as price-fixing, bid-rigging, and abuse of dominant market positions. For example, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) investigates and penalizes companies engaged in unfair trade practices to ensure a level playing field for all market participants.
  2. Consumer Protection Act: The Consumer Protection Act, 2019, safeguards the rights of consumers and ensures fair treatment in commercial transactions. It mandates clear product labeling, honest advertising, and redressal mechanisms for consumer grievances. The Act enables consumers to seek compensation for defective products or deficient services, promoting fairness and accountability in the marketplace.

Q6. Imagine yourself to be a worker working in a chemical factory, which has received orders from the government to move to a different site 100 kms away from the present location. Write about how your life would change? Read out your responses in the classroom.


If I were a worker in a chemical factory that was ordered to move to a new location, my life would change in the following ways:

  • Increased Commute: I would have to travel 100 km to and from work every day, which would add at least 2 hours to my commute. This would make me more tired and stressed, and it would also cut into my personal time.
  • Housing Changes: I would need to find new housing near the new factory, which could be expensive and difficult. I might also have to move my family to a new community, which would disrupt their lives as well.
  • Work-Life Balance: My longer commute would impact my work-life balance. I would have less time to spend with my family and friends, and I would be more likely to experience burnout.
  • Adaptation: I would need to adjust to a new workplace, new colleagues, and a new community. This would take time and effort, and it could be stressful.
  • Financial Considerations: My increased commuting costs and potential higher living expenses would put a strain on my finances.
  • Family Impact: My family would also be affected by the move. My children would have to adjust to a new school and new friends, and my spouse would have to find a new job or commute longer to work.

Moving the factory to a new location would have a significant impact on my life and the lives of my family. It would be a challenging and stressful experience, but it would also be an opportunity for new beginnings.

Q7. Write a paragraph on the various roles of the government that you have read about in this unit.


The government plays an important role in the functioning of a society. This includes maintaining law and order, protecting the borders of the country, and providing disaster relief. The government also plays an important role in providing public facilities, such as healthcare, education, and transportation. These facilities are essential for the well-being of the citizens, and the government ensures that they are accessible to all.

The government also plays an important role in the economy. It regulates trade and commerce, and provides subsidies and incentives to various industries. This helps to promote economic growth and development. The government also provides social security benefits, such as unemployment insurance and old age pensions. These benefits help to protect the citizens from economic hardship.

In conclusion, the government plays an important role in the functioning of a society. It is responsible for maintaining law and order, providing public facilities, ensuring the welfare of its citizens, and promoting economic growth and development.

Q8. What are the sources of environmental pollution in your area? Discuss with respect to (a) air; (b) water and (c) soil. What are the steps being taken to reduce the pollution? Can you suggest some other measures?


In my area, there are several sources of environmental pollution that affect the air, water, and soil:

  • Air Pollution: The main sources of air pollution in my area include vehicle emissions, industrial activities, and burning of fossil fuels like coal and wood for energy.
  • Water Pollution: Water pollution in my area is primarily caused by industrial discharge, sewage discharge, agricultural runoff containing pesticides and fertilizers, and improper waste disposal.
  • Soil Pollution: Soil pollution in my area arises from industrial waste disposal, agricultural practices involving excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and improper waste management.

Several steps are being taken to reduce pollution:

  1. Implementing regulations and enforcing compliance.
  2. Managing waste through segregation, recycling, and safe disposal.
  3. Creating green spaces and planting trees.
  4. Treating wastewater before releasing it into water bodies.
  5. Increasing awareness and education about pollution prevention.

Some additional measures to reduce pollution include:

  1. Encouraging use of alternative fuels like biofuels and hydrogen.
  2. Implementing stricter emission standards for vehicles and industries.
  3. Investing in clean and renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
  4. Promoting energy efficiency measures in buildings and transportation.
  5. Implementing green building practices and sustainable urban planning.
  6. Encouraging the use of electric or hybrid vehicles.
  7. Reducing deforestation and promoting reforestation efforts.
  8. Implementing carbon pricing mechanisms to incentivize emission reductions.
  9. Encouraging sustainable agriculture practices to reduce chemical usage and soil erosion.

Q9. How was environment treated earlier? What has been the change in perception? Discuss.


Earlier, people treated the environment with little respect and took it for granted. They believed that natural resources were infinite and could be used without worrying about their depletion or the impact on the environment. This led to the indiscriminate use of natural resources, pollution of air and water, and destruction of ecosystems.

In recent years, the environmental movement has gained momentum, and people have begun to demand action to protect the environment. The government has formulated many laws to ensure safety of the environment, such as new vehicles needing to meet strict environmental norms. The government has also set up laws and procedures that can check pollution and clean rivers.

The Bhopal gas tragedy has brought the issue of environment to the forefront. People have understood that the environment is something which the people over generations will share. They have also realized that a clean environment is a public facility that cannot be destroyed merely for industrial development.

Q10. What do you think the famous cartoonist R.K. Laxman is trying to convey in this cartoon? How does it relate to the 2016 law that you read about on page 103?


R.K. Laxman’s cartoon conveys two important issues: the heavy burden of schoolbags on children today, and the issue of child labor. The cartoon shows some children waiting for their school bus accompanied by their mothers, with one child carrying a heavy schoolbag. One woman says that she hired that child to carry her son’s schoolbag.

The cartoon relates to the 2006 Child Labour Prevention Act, which banned children under 14 from working as domestic servants or in restaurants, tea shops, and dhabas. The act also made it a punishable offense to employ children under 14. The cartoon also suggests that the government has not taken enough action to enforce the Child Labour Prevention Act of 2006, around 74% of child domestic labor today is done by children under 16.

Important Topics Discussed in the Chapter

Important topics discussed in the chapter are:

FAQs on NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8: Law and Social Justice

What are NCERT Class 8 Solutions? 

NCERT Class 8 Solutions are the answers and explanations provided for the questions and exercise given in the NCERT Class 8 textbooks for various subjects

What are the important topics discussed in the chapter?

Important topics discussed in the chapter are:

  • What is Social Justice?
  • What is Legal Right?
  • What is Legal Notice?
  • List of Current Social Issues in India [Latest]
  • Social Issues in India 
  • Article 17 of Constitution is very Important. Why?
  • Why do we need a Constitution?

How do NCERT Solutions help in understanding Chapter 8 concepts?

NCERT Solutions provide comprehensive explanations, examples, and exercises to help students grasp the concepts of political science introduced in Chapter 8 effectively.

Where can I find the correct NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8 on the online platform?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Political Science Chapter 8 can be found by the students on the w3wiki website. The NCERT Solutions are one of the best study materials which are available for students for free and students can rely on them for examination purposes.

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Yes, NCERT Class 8 solutions are an essential resource for exam preparation, but students should also refer to other materials and practice papers for better preparation.

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