Chat Conferencing Protocols

Communication is one of the most important things for today’s generation. It is the best way to connect with people, to understand people, to pass information, etc. Effective communication is very important for our life. Chat conferencing is a type of Internet communication. Chatting : Chatting, as the name suggest i.e. to chat is one of the most effective means of communication. Online chats on the Internet include texting, sharing videos, sharing images, sharing audio files, sharing documents, etc. It is generally textual communication between two or many peoples. Nowadays, apps like Whatsapp, email, Facebook, hike, etc. provide best features and effective ways for textual conversation. There are some chat protocols listed below: 1. IRC (Internet Relay Chat) :

  • Introduced in 1988
  • Text-based conferencing protocol.
  • Used for group chatting on Channels also known as chat rooms.
  • C2 server or Command and Control server are the IRC servers that contain channels.
  • TCP Sockets are used for connecting.
  • IRC Operators (IRCops) are used to manage servers.

2. XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) :

  • Developed by Jabber open-source community.
  • Real time messaging system.
  • TCP/IP, HTTP, or WebSocket are used for connecting.
  • Some applications can be Gtalk and Whatsapp.
  • Features such as publish/subscribe, authentication and its security uses to implement IoT.