All About ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Features, Working, & Efficiency

After the launch of ChatGPT, OpenAI has come up with an upgraded version of GPT-4, and it contains multiple plug-ins to do various jobs. One of the new plug-ins is the ChatGPT Code Interpreter. The code interpreter is like a special tool that helps ChatGPT understand and use code. It means ChatGPT can do more things, like analyzing complex data sets and making charts or maps.

In simple terms, it’s like having a friendly coding friend who can talk to you and help you with your specific coding problems. It will help you reduce the time you spend searching for the solution and then trying it out for your problem since the code interpreter will provide an answer that fits your code perfectly.

In this article, we’ll learn more about ChatGPT Code Interpreter, its features, working pattern, and efficiency.

All About ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Features, Working, & Efficiency

  • What is ChatGPT Code Interpreter?
  • How to Access and Use ChatGPT Code Interpreter?
  • Enabling Code Interpreter from Beta features in ChatGPT Settings
  • Working of ChatGPT Code Interpreter
  • Features & Limitations of ChatGPT Code Interpreter
  • Is the use of ChatGPT Code Interpreter paid or free?
  • Will Code Interpreters Replace Data Scientists and Analysts?

What is ChatGPT Code Interpreter?

Code Interpreter is a new feature in OpenAI’s ChatGPT-4, combining the mighty analytical abilities of large language models with programming. It increases ChatGPT’s potential by enabling the execution of Python code and file uploads, it also increases the number of tasks ChatGPT can perform.

Usually, ChatGPT functions as a chatbot utilizing a technology called a large language model. It predicts the next word in a sequence to form sensible responses. The ChatGPT code interpreter can write and execute computer code, performing tasks that ChatGPT-3 cannot perform.

Functioning of ChatGPT Code Interpreter

ChatGPT Code Interpreter can write and execute code and debug it by reading callback messages, ensuring the code works without any obstacles. We can run multiple pieces of code in a sequence that works together effortlessly.

In this code interpreter, you can also send in the chat conversation. If the code requires data from a file, users can upload it. Upon completion, results can be retrieved. You can put in any file less than 250MB to collect data from.

ChatGPT Code Interpreter also permits users to upload various files and execute tasks like data analysis, image conversion, and code editing. It supports file handling in formats like CSV and JSON, along with Python code, and learns from its outputs to rectify mistakes.

How to Access and Use ChatGPT Code Interpreter?

Starting from July 2023, Code Interpreter is exclusively accessible to premium ChatGPT Plus users. To get started, subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, log into your account, and head to Settings at the bottom left of the screen. Go to ‘Beta Features’ and switch on the Code Interpreter toggle. This setting also allows the activation of ChatGPT plugins.

  • Once enabled, when initiating a new chat in ChatGPT, choose your preferred model. Note that you can’t switch models later.
  • Click ‘New chat‘ at the top left corner, hover over the GPT-4 icon in the top middle, and select Code Interpreter from the drop-down menu.

Getting started is simple, but you need a ChatGPT Plus account. Even with ChatGPT Plus, the functionality isn’t automatically available as it’s in beta and must be activated from settings. For ChatGPT Plus users, simply click on settings in the left-hand corner and toggle on Code Interpreter.

Enabling Code Interpreter from Beta features in ChatGPT Settings

The primary use of ChatGPT Code Interpreter is data analysis. It can scrutinize various data types like financial records, health stats, or location details to provide insights. Finance professionals use it for tasks such as analyzing stock prices or budget planning. Researchers also utilize it to create unique data visualizations, like interactive population graphs.

Accessing the Code Interpreter is simple through the ChatGPT web interface. Developers can enter and execute code snippets in a dedicated section. To unlock the extraordinary ChatGPT plugin for the code interpreter, subscribe to ChatGPT Plus for $20 per month. Enable the plugin in your settings under “Beta Features” to access the code interpreter.

Working of ChatGPT Code Interpreter

Code Interpreter, a feature of GPT-4, shares the same technology as standard ChatGPT but the difference is in the type of input and output it handles. While ChatGPT typically responds with text or code snippets, Code Interpreter accepts file uploads and provides ready-made output by running the code for you.

With Code Interpreter, you can supplement verbal instructions with files, enhancing understanding and reducing errors. With a screen-sharing video call, you can demonstrate the issue directly, leading to more effective solutions. Uploading files to Code Interpreter offers a similar advantage.

The Code Interpreter executes the code and delivers the output, allowing users to understand the process and verify results. This makes it priceless for tech-savvy people seeking efficiency to tackle programming tasks.

The ChatGPT Code Interpreter supports various file formats, allowing data manipulation, including images and videos for computer vision tasks. Its ability to learn from code output improves accuracy, raising ChatGPT’s capabilities significantly.

Features & Limitations of ChatGPT Code Interpreter

Here are some of the features and limitations of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter. It will help you understand how the code interpreter works and what results to expect.


1. Understanding Data and Making Pictures

The Code Interpreter helps people look at data and make it into pictures. It can take data you give it, like sales numbers, and figure out patterns. It can also show how people behave on websites or make charts for things like social media activity.

2. Changing Different Types of Files

This tool lets you change files from one type to another. For example, it can turn text into tables or pictures into numbers. It uses special tools in the Python language to do this.

3. Making Computer Programs

With the Code Interpreter, you can write and test computer programs right in the chat. It’s good for doing many things, like making new functions, changing code, and working with data. So, whether you’re looking at data or solving hard math problems, the Code Interpreter can help.

4. Math Magic Calculations

The Code Interpreter isn’t just for words and pictures. It can also do math really well. If you need to solve tricky math problems, it can use special tools like Numpy and Scipy to help you out.

5. Playing with Different File Formats

You can give the Code Interpreter all kinds of files, like words, pictures, music, and videos. It can do cool things with them, like changing the colors in a picture, cutting out silent parts in audio files, or changing video formats.

6. Understanding Words

The Code Interpreter can also understand words. It can help with things like finding important information in text, making summaries, and even figuring out what a document is talking about.


1. Can’t Surf the Web

The ChatGPT Code Interpreter is limited to its own environment and cannot access the internet. This means it cannot browse websites or fetch real-time data from online sources. It can also not communicate with other programs or services on the internet, restricting its ability to get information or perform tasks that require online connectivity.

2. Small File Sizes

Users are constrained by a file size limit of 250MB when uploading files to the Code Interpreter. While this may work for many tasks, it could pose challenges when working with large datasets or files containing extensive amounts of information. Users may encounter difficulties handling substantial amounts of data or conducting analyses on datasets that exceed this file size limit.

3. Only Speaks Python

Currently, the ChatGPT Code Interpreter exclusively supports the Python programming language. This means that users who are proficient in other programming languages may face limitations when using the interpreter. Tasks requiring languages other than Python cannot be executed within the Code Interpreter environment, which requires other alternative solutions for users who require multi-language support.

4. No Extra Tools

Although the Code Interpreter comes equipped with a set of built-in tools and libraries, users are unable to combine additional tools or libraries into the environment. This lack of extensibility restricts users from including specialized tools or custom libraries that may be essential for their projects. Thus, users are restricted to the existing functionality provided by the Code Interpreter, without the ability to enhance or customize its capabilities.

5. Old Info

The Code Interpreter operates based on pre-existing knowledge and does not possess real-time updating capabilities. As a result, it may not be aware of recent developments or changes occurring outside of its training data.

This limitation means that the interpreter may provide outdated or incomplete information in response to queries or tasks that require up-to-date knowledge. Users should be mindful of this limitation when relying on the Code Interpreter for information or decision-making purposes.

Is the use of ChatGPT Code Interpreter paid or free?

The ChatGPT Code Interpreter is not available for free. It comes as a plug-in when you buy the GPT-4 subscription. First, you need to sign up for ChatGPT Plus. The subscription is for $20 to $30 each month. With this subscription, one has access to all the gpt-4 plug-ins, including the code interpreter. The code interpreter works as a tool that helps professional data analysts with their jobs.

Will Code Interpreters Replace Data Scientists and Analysts?

The ChatGPT Code Interpreter is a handy tool for looking at data, but it can’t replace real people who analyze data like data analysts and scientists. Data analysts and scientists are professionals who have special skills and knowledge that the Code Interpreter doesn’t have.

Data analysts are also great problem solvers. They can figure out tricky problems, while the Code Interpreter might struggle with new situations. Even though the Code Interpreter can do some data tasks and give insights, it can’t think critically or solve tough problems like humans can. In short, the ChatGPT Code Interpreter is a helpful tool, but it’s not a replacement for real people who know how to analyze data.


The ChatGPT Code Interpreter brings a significant change in the world of programming. It is capable of performing basic, and complex tasks with appropriate prompts. It is one of the best developments in artificial intelligence and can help in various scenarios.

It means it can do more than just answer questions with text. With the Code Interpreter, users can make ChatGPT do things like math calculations, analyze data, and create graphs. The code interpreter is adaptable, meaning it can be used for many different things. The ChatGPT Code Interpreter is a big improvement for AI chatbots. It makes them more useful and capable of helping with a wide range of tasks.

FAQs – All About ChatGPT Code Interpreter

Can I use it for free?

No, you need to pay for ChatGPT Plus to use the code interpreter.

How much does ChatGPT Plus cost?

The ChatGPT Plus costs around $20 to $30 each month.

What can I do with the Code Interpreter?

The code interpreter helps with decoding the data, changing file types, and writing code.

Is there a limit to the file size I can use?

Yes, files of more than 250MB will not work.