ChatGPT Creator Sam Altman Warns of Job Cuts

ChatGPT creator and CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman expressed his perspectives on the employment implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and its revolutionary potential during his visit to India.

Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, offered his viewpoint on the disruptive nature of artificial intelligence and its possible influence on jobs as part of the official visit to India on Wednesday. Altman admitted that AI is a disruptor but claimed that it won’t result in widespread job losses.

‘Some jobs’ will be lost because of AI, according to Altman, but new ones will also be created. The CEO responded when asked if AI might result in employment losses.

“Every tech revolution leads to job change. In two generations, we can adapt to any amount of labor market change and there are new jobs and they are usually better. That is going to happen here, too. Some jobs are going to go away. There will be new, better jobs that are difficult to imagine today” Altman stated.

When discussing AI regulation with ET(Economic Times), he stated that it is vital, but only for the market’s major participants. Regulations governing AI shouldn’t be a concern for smaller businesses. He said, “We have explicitly said there should be no regulation on smaller companies. The only regulation we have demanded is on larger people and ourselves.

“Every tech revolution leads to job change. In two generations, we can adapt to any amount of labor market change and there are new jobs and they are usually better. That is going to happen here, too. Some jobs are going to go away. There will be new, better jobs that are difficult to imagine today,” he said.

Altman, who was once a student at Stanford University, endorsed the independent study of artificial intelligence and emphasized the importance of government-funded initiatives in this area. 

He acknowledged the worries that many countries have about relying entirely on a small number of foreign businesses for a technology that has the potential to be so revolutionary. In particular, Altman acknowledged India as a nation well-suited to achieving notable results through government-backed AI programs.

Altman hopes to speak with senior government figures on his visit to India, including the prime minister. The CEO of OpenAI is touring the world to meet with political leaders from various nations to discuss AI.

A discussion about the risks posed by deep fakes and fraud ensued after Altman was shown an AI-generated film depicting a fake version of himself.

Altman expressed confidence that technological improvements will enable the establishment of approachable solutions to ensure authenticity while understanding the genuine concerns connected with this new technology.

Altman’s trip to India provided more insight into his viewpoint on AI’s disruptive nature and prospective effects on employment.

He stressed the need for governments to adapt and establish new socioeconomic accords, assuaged their concerns about job changes by assuring them that new employment prospects would still exist, and offered support for government and academic efforts in AI research.

Additionally, Altman emphasized the value of regulation and voiced optimism in the creation of countermeasures to the dangers posed by cutting-edge technology like deep fakes.