Check if a HexaDecimal number is Even or Odd

Given a HexaDecimal number, check whether it is even or odd.

Input: N = ABC7787CC87AA
Output: Even

Input: N = 9322DEFCD
Output: Odd


Naive Approach: 

Time Complexity: O(N)
Efficient approach: Since Hexadecimal numbers contain digits from 0 to 15, therefore we can simply check if the last digit is either ‘0’, ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘6’, ‘8’, ‘A'(=10), ‘C'(=12) or ‘E'(=14). If it is, then the given HexaDecimal number will be Even, else Odd.
Below is the implementation of the above approach. 


// C++ code to check if a HexaDecimal
// number is Even or Odd
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Check if the number is odd or even
string even_or_odd(string N)
    int len = N.size();
    // check if the last digit
    // is either '0', '2', '4',
    // '6', '8', 'A'(=10),
    // 'C'(=12) or 'E'(=14)
    if (N[len - 1] == '0'
        || N[len - 1] == '2'
        || N[len - 1] == '4'
        || N[len - 1] == '6'
        || N[len - 1] == '8'
        || N[len - 1] == 'A'
        || N[len - 1] == 'C'
        || N[len - 1] == 'E')
        return ("Even");
        return ("Odd");
// Driver code
int main()
    string N = "AB3454D";
    cout << even_or_odd(N);
    return 0;


// Java code to check if a HexaDecimal
// number is Even or Odd
class GFG{
// Check if the number is odd or even
static String even_or_odd(String N)
    int len = N.length();
    // check if the last digit
    // is either '0', '2', '4',
    // '6', '8', 'A'(=10),
    // 'C'(=12) or 'E'(=14)
    if (N.charAt(len - 1) == '0'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == '2'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == '4'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == '6'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == '8'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == 'A'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == 'C'
        || N.charAt(len - 1) == 'E')
        return ("Even");
        return ("Odd");
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String N = "AB3454D";
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Python 3

# Python code to check if a HexaDecimal
# number is Even or Odd
# Check if the number is odd or even
def even_or_odd(N):
    l = len(N)
    # check if the last digit
    # is either '0', '2', '4',
    # '6', '8', 'A'(=10),
    # 'C'(=12) or 'E'(=14)
    if (N[l - 1] == '0'or N[l - 1] == '2'or
        N[l - 1] == '4'or N[l - 1] == '6'or
        N[l - 1] == '8'or N[l - 1] == 'A'or
        N[l - 1] == 'C'or N[l - 1] == 'E'):
        return ("Even")
        return ("Odd")
# Driver code
N = "AB3454D"
# This code is contributed by Atul_kumar_Shrivastava


// C# code to check if a HexaDecimal
// number is Even or Odd
using System;
public class GFG{
    // Check if the number is odd or even
    static string even_or_odd(string N)
        int len = N.Length;
        // check if the last digit
        // is either '0', '2', '4',
        // '6', '8', 'A'(=10),
        // 'C'(=12) or 'E'(=14)
        if (N[len - 1] == '0'
            || N[len - 1] == '2'
            || N[len - 1] == '4'
            || N[len - 1] == '6'
            || N[len - 1] == '8'
            || N[len - 1] == 'A'
            || N[len - 1] == 'C'
            || N[len - 1] == 'E')
            return ("Even");
            return ("Odd");
    // Driver code
    static public void Main ()
        string N = "AB3454D";
// This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10


// Javascript code to check if a HexaDecimal
// number is Even or Odd
    // Check if the number is odd or even
    function even_or_odd(N)
        let len = N.length;
        // check if the last digit
        // is either '0', '2', '4',
        // '6', '8', 'A'(=10),
        // 'C'(=12) or 'E'(=14)
        if (N[len - 1] == '0'
            || N[len - 1] == '2'
            || N[len - 1] == '4'
            || N[len - 1] == '6'
            || N[len - 1] == '8'
            || N[len - 1] == 'A'
            || N[len - 1] == 'C'
            || N[len - 1] == 'E')
            return ("Even");
            return ("Odd");
// Driver Code
    let N = "AB3454D";




Time complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)