Check if all objects of type A and B can be placed on N shelves

Given two integers A and B, representing the count of objects of two different types, and another integer N which represents the number of shelves, the task is to place all objects in the given N shelves abiding by the following rules: 

  • Any shelf cannot contain both Type-A and Type-B objects at the same time.
  • No shelf can contain more than K objects of Type-A or L objects of type B.

If it is possible to place all the items in N shelves, print “YES”. Otherwise, print “NO”.

Input: A = 3, B = 3, N = 3, K = 4, M = 2 
Output: YES 
3 Type-A items can be placed on 1 shelf, as maximum limit is 4. 
3 Type-B items can be placed on 2 shelves, as maximum limit is 2. 
Since the required number of shelves does not exceed N, so allocation is possible.
Input: A = 6, B = 7, N = 3, K = 4, L = 5 
Output: NO 
6 Type-A items require 2 shelves, as maximum limit is 4. 
7 Type-B items require 2 shelves, as maximum limit is 5. 
Since the required number of shelves exceeds N, so allocation is not possible. 


To solve the problem, we need to count the minimum number of shelves required to place all objects and check if it exceeds N or not. Follow the steps below: 

  • Count the minimum number of items required to place Type-A items, say needa. Since, K Type-A items can be placed at most in a single shelf, following two conditions arise: 
    1. If A is divisible by K, all Type-A items can be placed in A / K shelves.
    2. Otherwise, A % K items needs to be placed in 1 shelf and the rest in A / K shelves.Hence A/ K + 1 shelves are required for this case.
  • Similarly, calculate the minimum number of shelves required to place Type-B items, say needb
  • If needa + needb exceeds N, allocation is not possible. Otherwise, it is possible.

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// C++ implementation of the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to return if allocation
// is possible or not
bool isPossible(int A, int B, int N,
                int K, int L)
    // Stores the shelves needed
    // for items of type-A and type-B
    int needa, needb;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-A
    if (A % K == 0)
        // Fill A / K shelves fully
        // by the items of type-A
        needa = A / K;
    // Otherwise
        // Fill A / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // extra shelf
        needa = A / K + 1;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-B
    if (B % L == 0)
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // by the items of type-B
        needb = B / L;
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // an extra shelf
        needb = B / L + 1;
    // Total shelves needed
    int total = needa + needb;
    // If required shelves exceed N
    if (total > N)
        return false;
        return true;
// Driver Program
int main()
    int A = 3, B = 3, N = 3;
    int K = 4, M = 2;
    if (isPossible(A, B, N, K, M))
        cout << "YES" << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;
    return 0;


// Java implementation of the above approach
class GFG{
// Function to return if allocation
// is possible or not
static boolean isPossible(int A, int B,
                          int N, int K,
                          int L)
    // Stores the shelves needed
    // for items of type-A and type-B
    int needa, needb;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-A
    if (A % K == 0)
        // Fill A / K shelves fully
        // by the items of type-A
        needa = A / K;
    // Otherwise
        // Fill A / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // extra shelf
        needa = A / K + 1;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-B
    if (B % L == 0)
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // by the items of type-B
        needb = B / L;
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // an extra shelf
        needb = B / L + 1;
    // Total shelves needed
    int total = needa + needb;
    // If required shelves exceed N
    if (total > N)
        return false;
        return true;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int A = 3, B = 3, N = 3;
    int K = 4, M = 2;
    if (isPossible(A, B, N, K, M))
        System.out.print("YES" + "\n");
        System.out.print("NO" + "\n");
// This code is contributed by amal kumar choubey


# Python3 implementation of the
# above approach
# Function to return if allocation
# is possible or not
def isPossible(A, B, N, K, L):
    # Stores the shelves needed
    # for items of type-A and type-B
    needa = 0
    needb = 0
    # Find number of shelves
    # needed for items of type-A
    if (A % K == 0):
        # Fill A / K shelves fully
        # by the items of type-A
        needa = A // K;
    # Otherwise
        # Fill A / L shelves fully
        # and add remaining to an
        # extra shelf
        needa = A // K + 1
    # Find number of shelves
    # needed for items of type-B
    if (B % L == 0):
        # Fill B / L shelves fully
        # by the items of type-B
        needb = B // L
        # Fill B / L shelves fully
        # and add remaining to an
        # an extra shelf
        needb = B // L + 1
    # Total shelves needed
    total = needa + needb
    # If required shelves exceed N
    if (total > N):
        return False
        return True
# Driver Code       
if __name__=='__main__':
    A, B, N = 3, 3, 3
    K, M = 4, 2
    if (isPossible(A, B, N, K, M)):
# This code is contributed by rutvik_56


// C# implementation of the above approach
using System;
class GFG{
// Function to return if allocation
// is possible or not
static bool isPossible(int A, int B,
                       int N, int K,
                       int L)
    // Stores the shelves needed
    // for items of type-A and type-B
    int needa, needb;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-A
    if (A % K == 0)
        // Fill A / K shelves fully
        // by the items of type-A
        needa = A / K;
    // Otherwise
        // Fill A / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // extra shelf
        needa = A / K + 1;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-B
    if (B % L == 0)
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // by the items of type-B
        needb = B / L;
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // an extra shelf
        needb = B / L + 1;
    // Total shelves needed
    int total = needa + needb;
    // If required shelves exceed N
    if (total > N)
        return false;
        return true;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int A = 3, B = 3, N = 3;
    int K = 4, M = 2;
    if (isPossible(A, B, N, K, M))
        Console.Write("YES" + "\n");
        Console.Write("NO" + "\n");
// This code is contributed by Rohit_ranjan


// JavaScript program to implement
// the above approach
// Function to return if allocation
// is possible or not
function isPossible(A, B, N, K, L)
    // Stores the shelves needed
    // for items of type-A and type-B
    let needa, needb;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-A
    if (A % K == 0)
        // Fill A / K shelves fully
        // by the items of type-A
        needa =  Math.floor(A / K);
    // Otherwise
        // Fill A / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // extra shelf
        needa =  Math.floor(A / K) + 1;
    // Find number of shelves
    // needed for items of type-B
    if (B % L == 0)
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // by the items of type-B
        needb = Math.floor(B / L);
        // Fill B / L shelves fully
        // and add remaining to an
        // an extra shelf
        needb =  Math.floor(B / L) + 1;
    // Total shelves needed
    let total = needa + needb;
    // If required shelves exceed N
    if (total > N)
        return false;
        return true;
// Driver code
    let A = 3, B = 3, N = 3;
    let K = 4, M = 2;
    if (isPossible(A, B, N, K, M))
        document.write("YES" + "<br/>");
        document.write("NO" + "<br/>");
// This code is contributed by sanjoy_62.




Time complexity: O(1) 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)