Check if given number contains only “01” and “10” as substring in its binary representation

Given a number N, the task is to check if the binary representation of the number N has only “01” and “10” as a substring or not. If found to be true, then print “Yes”. Otherwise, print “No”.

Input: N = 5 
Output: Yes 
(5)10 is (101)2 which contains only “01” and “10” as substring.
Input: N = 11 
Output: No 
(11)10 is (1011)2 which contains only “11” a substring. 

Approach: The given problem can be solved using the following observations: 

  • Since the substring must contain “01” and “10”. Therefore, the binary representation contains 1 and 0 alternately.
  • For binary representations containing 0 and 1 alternately, the following pattern can be observed: 

2, 5, 10, 21, … 

  • The above pattern is of the form 2 * x and (4 * x + 1) such that the last term of the series is x.

From the above observation, the idea is to generate the given series using the above pattern and check if the given number exists in the pattern or not. If found to be true, then print “Yes”. Otherwise, print “No”.
Below is the implementation for the above approach:


// C++ program for the above approach
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
vector<int> Ans;
// Function to generate all numbers
// having "01" and "10" as a substring
void populateNumber()
    // Insert 2 and 5
    long long int x = 5;
    // Iterate till x is 10 ^ 15
    while (x < 1000000000001) {
        // Multiply x by 2
        x *= 2;
        // Update x as x*2  + 1
        x = x * 2 + 1;
// Function to check if binary representation
// of N contains only "01" and "10" as substring
string checkString(long long int N)
    // Function Call to generate all
    // such numbers
    // Check if a number N
    // exists in Ans[] or not
    for (auto& it : Ans) {
        // If the number exists
        if (it == N) {
            return "Yes";
    // Otherwise
    return "No";
// Driver Code
int main()
    long long int N = 5;
    // Function Call
    cout << checkString(N);
    return 0;


// Java Program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
  static int N = 200000;
  static long Ans[] = new long [200000];
  static int index = 0;
  // Function to generate all numbers
  // having "01" and "10" as a substring
  static void populateNumber()
    // Insert 2 and 5
    Ans[index++] = (2);
    Ans[index++] = (5);
    long x = 5;
    long inf = 1000000000001L;
    // Iterate till x is 10 ^ 15
    while (x < inf)
      // Multiply x by 2
      x *= 2;
      Ans[index++] = (x);
      // Update x as x*2  + 1
      x = x * 2 + 1;
      Ans[index++] = (x);
  // Function to check if binary representation
  // of N contains only "01" and "10" as substring
  static void checkString(int N)
    // Function Call to generate all
    // such numbers
    // Check if a number N
    // exists in Ans[] or not
    for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
      // If the number exists
      if (Ans[i] == N)
  // Driver Code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    N = 5;
// This code is contributed by amreshkumar3.


# Python3 program to implement
# the above approach
Ans = []
# Function to generate all numbers
# having "01" and "10" as a substring
def populateNumber() :
    # Insert 2 and 5
    x = 5
    # Iterate till x is 10 ^ 15
    while (x < 1000000000001) :
        # Multiply x by 2
        x *= 2
        # Update x as x*2  + 1
        x = x * 2 + 1
# Function to check if binary representation
# of N contains only "01" and "10" as substring
def checkString(N) :
    # Function Call to generate all
    # such numbers
    # Check if a number N
    # exists in Ans[] or not
    for it in Ans :
        # If the number exists
        if (it == N) :
            return "Yes"
    # Otherwise
    return "No"
# Driver Code
N = 5
# Function Call
# This code is contributed by sanjoy_62


// C# Program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
class GFG
  static int N = 200000;
  static long []Ans = new long [200000];
  static int index = 0;
  // Function to generate all numbers
  // having "01" and "10" as a substring
  static void populateNumber()
    // Insert 2 and 5
    Ans[index++] = (2);
    Ans[index++] = (5);
    long x = 5;
    long inf = 1000000000001L;
    // Iterate till x is 10 ^ 15
    while (x < inf)
      // Multiply x by 2
      x *= 2;
      Ans[index++] = (x);
      // Update x as x*2  + 1
      x = x * 2 + 1;
      Ans[index++] = (x);
  // Function to check if binary representation
  // of N contains only "01" and "10" as substring
  static void checkString(int N)
    // Function Call to generate all
    // such numbers
    // Check if a number N
    // exists in Ans[] or not
    for (int i = 0; i < index; i++)
      // If the number exists
      if (Ans[i] == N)
  // Driver Code
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    N = 5;
// This code is contributed by shikhasingrajput


// javascript Program to implement
// the above approach
  var N = 200000;
  var Ans = Array.from({length: N}, (_, i) => 0);
  var index = 0;
  // Function to generate all numbers
  // having "01" and "10" as a substring
  function populateNumber()
    // Insert 2 and 5
    Ans[index++] = (2);
    Ans[index++] = (5);
    var x = 5;
    var inf = 1000000000001;
    // Iterate till x is 10 ^ 15
    while (x < inf)
      // Multiply x by 2
      x *= 2;
      Ans[index++] = (x);
      // Update x as x*2  + 1
      x = x * 2 + 1;
      Ans[index++] = (x);
  // Function to check if binary representation
  // of N contains only "01" and "10" as substring
  function checkString(N)
    // Function Call to generate all
    // such numbers
    // Check if a number N
    // exists in Ans or not
    for (i = 0; i < index; i++)
      // If the number exists
      if (Ans[i] == N)
  // Driver Code
  N = 5;
// This code contributed by shikhasingrajput




Time Complexity: O(1) 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)