CISCO Interview Experience

Process of Selection:

  • 1. Online Assessment round
  • 2. Idea Presentation round
  • 3. Technical interview round
  • 4. Managerial interview round
  • 5. ETR Connect.

Online Assessment Round:

  • It was a proctored test conducted on Mettl.
  • The duration of the test was one and a half hours. * It consisted of two sections- a mandatory section and an advanced section.
  • In the mandatory section, questions were asked on cognitive ability, basics of programming, networks, and CCNA.
  • One coding question was also given.
  • n the advanced networking section, in-depth networking questions that required critical thinking were asked.

Idea Submission Round:

  • Qualified students of the first round will be given two technical problem statements, out of which you have to choose one and develop an idea to solve it.
  • The idea is to be submitted in the form of a PPT.

Interview Rounds:

1. Technical Round:

*This round went on for about an hour.

The interviewer asked me questions from various domains like programming languages, Data Structures, DBMS, Networks, and Digital Systems, mainly from the Netacad course I opted for. Questions were asked from everything I mentioned in my resume. SO BE HONEST ON YOUR RESUME. He asked me to explain the projects I did and what I learned during my internship. And then he gave me two coding problems and asked me to write the code. In the end, he asked if I had any questions for him.

I inquired about my job role and asked about his experience.

2. Managerial Round:

This round too went on for an hour. He asked about the things I mentioned in my resume. And then he gave me some case studies and asked my views about them. He gave me some hypothetical situations and asked how I would react. And finally, questions were asked to test my knowledge about the company, like its latest projects, competitors, future plans, etc.

3. ETR Connect:

By now, a lot of filtering is done and very few students enter this round. The interviewer asked me some basic questions, and job location preferences and told me a few things about my job role. This round went on for about 20-25 minutes. Don’t get over-excited or nervous. Because many candidates got rejected in this round too.

Advice to the Students:

  • Be thorough with your Netacad course. Take notes and revise as many times as possible.
  • Build a strong resume. Mention at least 2-3 projects and an internship experience. And most importantly, be Honest.
  • Be confident. Maintain good body language and especially focus on your communication skills.
  • Research the company. Keep track of its current activities and upcoming projects.