Cisco Interview Experience | On-Campus

Cisco was the first company to visit my college and it was my first interview experience. 

Round 1:Round 1 was the online test which included 25 mcqs and 1 coding question and the duration was 1 hour. The mcqs were based on Aptitude, logical reasoning and technical aptitude (questions on c , c++ not what is the output ones ) . The mcqs were of basic to intermediate level. The coding question was based on strings and substrings which I found easy because I had practiced. 29 students were selected for the next round from around 150-200 students and I was one of them. 

Round 2:  The 2nd round was the technical interview which was on the next day, there were 6 panels and my turn came at around 12:00 pm and I was one of the last students to be interviewed for this round. My panel consisted of 2 people , one was a very experienced interviewer who was very knowledgeable and the other was fairly young. I was asked questions on very basic networking like about routers and switches, osi model , TCP ip model and what are the things that happen in the background  when you type any domain name on the browser. 

I was also asked about the subjects I had studied in my 6th semester. The interviewer asked me to name the subjects and asked on them accordingly at a basic level. My interviewer seemed to know everything about everything so he also asked me about concepts of 9th grade physics , basic questions though. Also there were questions on my projects about technology used , and certain challenges were highlighted and I was asked how I would possibly overcome them. The interview went for about 40-45 mins 

It totally depends on the interviewer, my other friends were asked to write code and some were asked questions on networking at an intermediate level on a range of topics. But mostly you can indicate right at the beginning of the interview about your strengths and interests so that you get more questions from there. 

Round 3: I got selected for the next round , which was the managerial round that was straight after my technical interview(just 5-8mins apart ). The interviewer was a very friendly he started with basic stuff i.e tell me about yourself. The questions were mostly based on my resume. It good to go through your resume once thoroughly. I talked about my extra curricular and my time in the clubs that I was a part of. He also asked me about my project and since I’m from ECE he asked me why I wanted to be a part of cisco , since I had worked mostly on hardware. He also asked me about the company and the things I know and why I wanted to be a part of cisco. It went about for 50-60 mins and it went smooth. 

Again it depends on the interviewer but this round is mainly to check if you can be a part of the team and how you would  work with others. 

This was the final round , since they said there was no time for the HR round. We were all assembled for the announcement of results . Among 13 people left 5 were selected and I was one of them. My name was called the last and I was very surprised. 

Tips : 

– Focus on your strengths, you have to present the best version of yourself. 

– Polish a bit on the areas you are not very good at and on networking concepts , since it’s a networking company. 

– Be positive be honest , I say this from my personal experience. If you don’t know the answer take pen and paper and try genuinely, say the things in your mind aloud so that the interviewer gets to know your approach. Even after that you don’t get it it’s ok to say you don’t know rather than pretending or beating around the bush. 

– It might happen that you can’t answer a series of questions and it’s natural to get nervous, which happened with me . Just hold your nerve you will get a question you’ll know and keep trying. 

– Always wear a smile . Show a positive attitude, any company would always prefer a positive, professional person 

– Don’t stress a lot. You are the sailor of your own ship , irrespective of the interviewer, irrespective of the company,you take your interview forward so take it to where you want to. This might not happen all the time , just present your strengths and good things will happen. 

I would like to thank w3wiki for great content and solution to virtually every problem and queries. I remember reading one of the interview experiences lat year at the same time from Beginner which was helpful and here we are today