CitiBank Interview Experience for Summer Analyst Internship (On-Campus)

Citi Bank CSC, Pune visited our campus COEP, Pune in September 2020 for the 2021 summer analyst position. All branches were eligible to apply with percentage criteria of 60%.

Round 1 (Online Aptitude test): The duration of the test was 3 hrs, conducted on AMCAT platform having the following sections:

  • Technical MCQs
  • Logical reasoning and basic maths MCQs
  • English MCQs
  • 2 Coding Questions

The 2 coding questions were Rat in a Maze and 1 on bit manipulation. 

84 people were selected for 2nd round.

Round 2 (Technical Interview): The duration of this interview was 20-25mins. The interviewer questioned me on Data structures and Algorithms and not on OS/DBMS/OOPS as I am studying Electrical Engineering and not CS.

We started with the discussion with Sorting Algorithms(this was the major part of the interview), as he asked me different approaches to sort the data, then we moved on to Arrays vs LinkedList, what is a HashMap?

The interviewer was quite impressed with me as being a non-cs student I was able to answer all questions.

Round 3 (HR+Technical Interview): In this round, the interviewers questioned me on the projects mentioned in my resume (mainly the data analysis project) and 1 puzzle “why is the shape of lid of the manhole a circle?” and I couldn’t answer that promptly.

Basic HR questions were also asked like, 

  1. Tell me something about yourself
  2. Why should we hire you?
  3. What all you know about Citi Bank?
  4. What are investment securities? (as I used this in one of my answers).

At last 11 people from the CS branch were selected, unfortunately, I wasn’t selected in the final shortlist.

Tip: Make impactful projects that impress the interviewer and make your resume stand out.