Citrix Interview Experience for Internship

Online Test: The online test consisted of 2 Coding questions and 25 MCQs based on various topics such as Operating Systems, DBMS, Computer Networks, OOPS, C Programming, Algorithms

I am a student of IIT Guwahati, B.Tech Computer Science, and Engineering(CSE). The students from Computer Science and Engineering(CSE), Electronics and Communication Engineering(ECE), Electronics and Electrical Engineering(EEE), and Mathematics and Computing(MnC) with a CPI≥6.5 were eligible to apply. The total duration of the online test was 90 minutes

Prime Numbers, Sieve, Divisibility, Parity.

This question was such that there are N bulbs in a row with given states 1 or 0 and there is a set of M positive integers. For every prime divisor of each of the number, you had to toggle the state for bulbs having the index equal to the multiple of that prime, for example, if the number in the list of M numbers is 12, then the primes are 2 and 3 (and not 2, 2 and 3) so you first toggle the state of all even numbers and then all multiples of 3 and keep doing this for all the numbers. Here toggling the state means changing 0 to 1 or vice versa  

I am not sure how many students gave the test, but the number would be around 100. Around 20 were shortlisted for the interviews

Interview Round: There were two interview rounds one technical and the other one was called managerial

Technical Round: It was conducted on the codepair platform and lasted for around an hour.

  1. The interviewer started immediately by asking me my language of choice and with a simple and straight question which was finding the initials of a person form the name string. I explained the approach very clearly considering all the corner cases.
  2. The next question asked was finding the intersection of linked lists  Write a function to get the intersection point of two Linked Lists
  3. I explained all the approaches in very much detail starting from the first one to the most efficient one and maintaining a constant conversation with the interviewer
  4. Next, I was asked to explain the efficiency aspects of an algorithm and also the complexity criteria used to evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm
  5. The interviewer wrapped up with a question on Knapsack variation involving stocks and profit maximization

This concluded the interview, the interviewer was very friendly and very helpful as well

Managerial Round: Although this was called as the managerial round, this was more of an advanced technical round. The interviewer straightaway asked a question from one of my projects and also asked me to briefly describe it. I had used a neural network in it so the question he asked was why neural networks? Why not any other algorithm or approach?


I explained it in very much detail about the working of neural networks and other models, and he looked satisfied

Explaining this he again moved to one of the projects and I answered the questions that he asked.

Then he asked me to detail out the process of how a messaging/to chat application exactly works and what are all the steps involved in sending a message from one person to the time the other person receives it. I was not able to answer it completely and told him that I was not quite familiar with Networks, OS, and System Design.

So he moved on to asking questions on Algorithms, which included BFS, DFS, and their real-life applications 

I was able to explain these quite clearly and comfortably. The interview round then came to an end with the interviewer giving me feedback on my responses 

Finally, 7 students were extended the final offer, and I was one of them ?