Class 12 RD Sharma Solutions – Chapter 6 Determinants – Exercise 6.1

Question 1: Write minors and co-factors of each element of first column of the following matrices and hence evaluate determinant.


i) Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith  row and jth column.

Here, a11 = 5

Minor of a11 = M11 = -1

Note: In 2×2 matrix, minor is obtained for a particular element, by deleting that row and column were element is present.

Minor of a12 = M12 = 0

Minor of a21 = M21 = 20

Minor of a22 = M22 = 0

As M12 and M22 are zero so we don’t consider them. Hence we have got only two minors for this determinant.

M11 = -1 & M21  = 20

Now, co-factors for the determinants are

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                           {∵Cij =(-1)1+1 x Mij}

    = (+1)x(-1)

    = -1  

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                            

    = (-1)3 x 20

    = -20

Evaluating the determinant,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21

      =5 x (-1) + 0 x (-20)

      = -5


Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith  row and jth column.

Minor of a11 = M11 = 3

Note: In 2×2 matrix, minor is obtained for a particular element, by deleting that row and column were element is present.

Minor of a21 = M21 = 4

Now, co-factors for the determinants are

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                           {∵Cij =(-1)i+j x Mij}

     = (+1) x 3

     = 3

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                           

     = (-1)3 x 4

     = -4

Evaluating the determinant,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21

       =-1 x 3 + 2 x (-4)



Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith row and jth column.

Cij = (-1)i+j x Mij


We have,

M11 = -1×2 – 5×2

M11 = -12

M21 = -3×2 – 5×2

M21 = -16

M31 = -3×2 – (-1) x 2

M31 = -4

Co-factors of the determinant are as follows,

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                            

     = 1x-12

     = -12

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                            

     = (-1)3 x -16

     = 16

C31 = (-1)3+1 x M31                            

     = (1)4 x (-4)

     = -4

To evaluate the determinant expand along first column,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21+ a31 x C31

          =1x(-12) + 4×16 + 3x(-4)

       = -12 + 64 – 12

       = 40  


Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith  row and jth column.

Also, Cij = (-1)i+j x Mij



We have,

M11 = b x ab – c x ca

M11 = ab2 – ac2

M21 = a x ab – c x bc

M21 = a2b – c2b

M31 = a x ca – b x bc

M31 = a2c – b2c

Co-factors of the determinant are as follows,

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                           

     = 1 x (ab2 – ac2)

     = ab2 – ac2

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                           

     = (-1)3 x (a2b – c2b)

     = c2b – a2b  

C31 = (-1)3+1 x M31                           

     = (1)4 x (a2c – b2c)

     = a2c – b2c

To evaluate the determinant expand along first column,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21+ a31 x C31

     =1 x (ab2 – ac2) + 1 x (c2b – a2b) + 1 x (a2c – b2c)

     = ab2 – ac2 + c2b – a2b + a2c – b2c


Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith row and jth column.

Cij = (-1)i+j x Mij



We have,

M11 = 5×1 – 7×0

M11 = 5

M21 = 2×1 – 7×6

M21 = -40

M31 = 2×0 – 5×6

M31 = -30

Co-factors of the determinant are as follows,

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                            

     = 1×5

     = 5

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                            

     = (-1)3 x -40

     = 40

C31 = (-1)3+1 x M31                            

     = (1)4 x (-30)

     = -30

To evaluate the determinant expand along first column,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21+ a31 x C31

          =0x5 + 1×40 + 3x(-20)

       = 0 + 40 – 90

       = 50


Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith  row and jth column.

Cij = (-1)i+j x Mij



We have,

M11 = b x c – f x f

M11 = bc – f2

M21 = h x c – f x g

M21 = hc – fg

M31 = h x f – b x g

M31 = hf – bg

Co-factors of the determinant are as follows,

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                            

     = 1x (bc – f2)

     = bc – f2

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                            

     = (-1)3 x (hc – fg)

     = fg – hc

C31 = (-1)3+1 x M31                            

     = (1)4 x (hf – bg)

     = hf – bg

To evaluate the determinant expand along first column,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21+ a31 x C31

          =a x (bc – f2) + h x (fg – hc) + g x (hf – bg)

       = abc – af2 + hgf – h2c + ghf –bg2


Let Mij and Cij  represents minor and co-factor of element. They are placed in ith row and jth column

Also, Cij = (-1)i+j x Mij



From the matrix we have,

M11 = 0(-1 x 0 – 5 x 1) – 1(1 x 0 – (-1) x 1) + (-2)(1 x 5 – (-1) x (-1))

M11 = -9

M21 = -1(-1 x 0 – 5 x 1) – 0(1 x 0 – (-1) x 1) + (1 x 5 – (-1) x (-1))

M21 = 9

M31 = -1(1 x 0 – 5 x (-2)) – 0(0 x 0 – (-1) x (-2)) + 1(0 x 5 – (-1) x 1)

M31 = -9

M41 = -1(1 x 1 – (-1) x (-2)) – 0(0 x 1 – 1 x (-2)) + 1(0 x (-1) – 1 x 1)

M41 = 0

Co-factors of the determinant are as follows,

C11 = (-1)1+1 x M11                            

     = 1x (-9)

     = -9

C21 = (-1)2+1 x M21                           

     = (-1)3 x 9

     = -9

C31 = (-1)3+1 x M31                            

     = (-1)4 x -9

     = -9

C41 = (-1)4+1 x M41                            

     = (-1)5 x 0

     = 0

To evaluate the determinant expand along first column,

|A| = a11 x C11 + a21 x C21+ a31 x C31+ a41 x C41

          =2 x (-9) + (-3) x (-9) + 1 x (-9) + 2 x 0

       = -18 + 27 – 9

       = 0

Question 2: Evaluate following determinants



Cross multiplying the values inside the determinant,

|A| = (5x + 1) – (-7)x

|A| = 5x2 = 8x






A∣ = cos15°×cos75°+sin15°×sin75°

As per formula


Substitute this in |A| so we get,

A∣ = cos(75−15)°

A∣ = cos60°

A∣ = 0.5


∣A∣ = (a+ib)(a−ib)−(c+id)(−c+id)

Expanding the brackets we get,


|A| = a2-i2b2+c2-i2d2

We know i2 = -1

|A| = a2-1b2+c2-(-1)d2

|A| = a2+b2+c2+d2

Question 3: Evaluate the following:


In the given formula, ∣AB∣=∣A∣∣B

Cross multiplying the terms  in |A| 

A∣ = 2(17×12−5×20)−3(13×12−5×15)+7(13×20−15×17)

= 2(204−100)−3(156−75)+7(260−255)

= 2×104−3×81+7×5

= 208−243+45

= 0

Now ∣A2=∣A∣×∣A


Question 4: Show that,


Method 1:


Let the given determinant as A,

Using sin(a+B) = sinA×cosB+cosA×sinB

A∣ = sin10°×cos80°+cos10°×sin80°

A∣ = sin(10+80)°

A∣ = sin90°

A∣ = 1

Method 2:

A∣ = sin10°×cos80°+cos10°×sin80°

[∴cosθ = sin(90−θ)]

A∣ = sin10°cos(90°−10°)+cos10°sin(90°−10°)

A∣ = sin10°sin10°+cos10°cos10°

A∣ = sin210°+cos210°

[∴sin2θ+cos2θ = 1]

A∣ = 1

Question 5: Evaluate the following determinant by two methods.


Method 1

Expanding along the first row

A∣ = 2(1×1−4×−2)−3(7×1−(−2)×−3)−5(7×4−1×(−3))

A∣ = 2(1+8)−3(7−6)−5(28+3)

A∣ = 2×9−3×1−5×31

A∣ = 18−3−155

A∣ = −140

Method 2

Here it is Sarus Method, we adjoin the first two columns.

Expanding along second column,

∣A∣ = 2(1×1−4×(−2))−7(3×1−4×(−5))−3(3×(−2)−1×(−5)) ∣A∣ = 2(1+8)−7(3+20)−3(−6+5) ∣A∣ = 2×9−7×23−3×(−1) ∣A∣ = 18−161+3 ∣A∣ = −140

Question 6: Evaluate the following:


∣A∣ = 0(0−sinβ(−sinβ))−sinα(−sinα×0−sinβcosα)−cosα((−sinα)(−sinβ)−0×cosα) ∣A∣ = 0+sinαsinβcosα−cosαsinαsinβ ∣A∣ = 0

Question 7: 


Expand C3, we have ∣A∣ = sinα(−sinαsin2β − cos2βsinα) + cosα(cosαcos2β + cosαsin2β) ∣A∣ = sin2α(sin2β + cos2β) + cos2α(cos2β + sin2β) ∣A∣ = sin2α(1) + cos2α(1) ∣A∣ = 1

Question 8: If   verify that ∣AB∣ = ∣A∣∣B∣


Let’s take LHS,

∣AB∣ = −18−190 ∣AB∣ = −208

Now taking RHS and calculating,

∣A∣ = 2−10 ∣A∣ = −8 ∣B∣ = 20−(−6) ∣B∣ = 26 ∣A∣∣B∣ = −8×26 ∣A∣∣B∣ = −208 ∴LHS = RHS Hence, it is proved.

Question 9: If  , then show that ∣3A∣ = 27∣A∣.


Evaluate along the first column,

Now every element with 3, = 3(36−0) − 0 + 0 = 108 Now, according to the question, ∣3A∣ = 27∣A∣ Substituting the values we get, 108 = 27(4) 108 = 108 Hence, proved.

Question 10: Find the values of x, if:


2−20 = 2x2−24 −18 = 2x2−24 2x2 = 6 Taking the square root, x2 = 3 x = ±√3


2 × 5 − 3 × 4 = 5 × x − 3 × 2x 10 − 12 = 5x − 6x −2 = −x x = 2


3(1)−x(x) = 3(1)−2(4) 3−x2 = 3−8 −x2 = −8 x2 = 8 x = ±2√2 ​


3x(4)−7(2) = 10 12x−14 = 10 12x = 24 x = 24/12 ​x = 2


Cross multiplying elements from LHS, (x+1)(x+2)−(x−3)(x−1) = 12+1 x2 + 3x + 2 − x2+4x − 3 = 13 7x−1 = 13 7x = 14 x = 2


2x(x)−5(8) = 6(3)−5(8) 2x2−40 = 18−40 2x2 = 18 x2 = 9 x = ±3

Question 11: Find integral value of x, if


Here we have to take the determinant of the 3×3 matrix x2(8−1)−x(0−3)+1(0−6) 8x2−x2+3x−6 = 28 7x2+3x−6 = 28 7x2+3x−34 = 0 Factorization of the above equation we get, (7x+17)(x−2) = 0 x = 2 Integral value of x is 2. Thus, x = −17/7 is not an integer.

Question 12: For what value of x the matrix A is singular?


Matrix A is singular if, ∣A∣ = 0 Cross−multiply the elements in the determinant, 8 + 8x − 21 + 7x = 0 15x − 13 = 0 15x = 13 x = 13/15


Matrix A is singular if ∣A∣=0 Expanding along first row,

∣A∣ = (x−1)[(x−1)2−1] − 1[x−1−1] + 1[1−x+1] ∣A∣ = (x−1)(x2+1−2x−1) − 1(x−2) + 1(2−x)

Expanding the brackets to factorize |A| = (x−1)(x2−2x) − x + 2 + 2 − x |A| = (x-1) × x × (x-2) + (4-2x) |A| = (x−1)× x ×(x−2) + 2(2−x) |A| = (x−1)× x ×(x−2) − 2(x−2) [∴ Take (x−2) as common] |A| = (x−2)[x(x−1)−2] Since A is a singular matrix, so ∣A∣ = 0 (x−2)(x2−x−2) = 0 There are two cases, Case1: (x−2) = 0 x = 2 Case2: x2−x−2 = 0 x2−2x + x−2 = 0 x(x−2) + 1(x−2) = 0 (x−2)(x+1) = 0 x = 2,−1 ∴ x = 2 or −1