Class 8 RD Sharma Solutions – Chapter 24 Data Handling II (Graphical Representation of Data as Histograms) – Exercise 24.1 | Set 1

Question 1. Given below is the frequency distribution of the heights of 50 students of a class:

Class Interval      140 – 145 145 – 150 150 – 155 155 – 160 160 – 165
Frequency 8 12 18 10 5

Draw a histogram representing the above data.


To draw a histogram first construct x-axis and y-axis, where the x-axis represents class interval and the y-axis represents the frequency. Now, by taking suitable intervals from the given frequency table, we construct the rectangles as shown in the below figure. 

Question 2. Draw a histogram of the following data:

Class Interval    10 – 15 15 – 20  20 – 25  25 – 30  30 – 35 35 – 40
Frequency 30 98 80 58 29 50


To draw a histogram first construct x-axis and y-axis, where the x-axis represents class interval and the y-axis represents the frequency. Now, by taking suitable intervals from the given frequency table, we construct the rectangles as shown in the below figure. 

Question 3. Number of workshops organized by a school in different areas during the last five years are as follows:

Years  No. of Workshops
1995 – 1996 25
1996 – 1997 30
1997 – 1998 42
1998 – 1999 50
1999 – 2000 65

Draw a histogram representing the above data.


To draw a histogram first construct x-axis and y-axis, where the x-axis represents class interval and the y-axis represents the frequency. Now, by taking suitable intervals from the given frequency table, we construct the rectangles as shown in the below figure. 

Question 4. In a hypothetical sample of 20 people the amounts of money with them were found to be as follows:

114, 108, 100, 98, 101, 109, 117, 119, 126, 131, 136, 143, 156, 168, 182, 195, 207, 219, 235, 118.

Draw the histogram of the frequency distribution (taking one of the class intervals as 50-100).


First we create a frequency table using the given observations:

Class Interval  Frequency
50 – 100 2
100 – 150 11
150 – 200  4
200 – 250 3

Now we draw a histogram using the frequency table:

To draw a histogram first construct x-axis and y-axis, where the x-axis represents class interval and the y-axis represents the frequency. Now, by taking suitable intervals from the given frequency table, we construct the rectangles as shown in the below figure. 

Question 5. Construct a histogram for the following data:

Monthly School Fee(in Rs)  30-60 60-90 90-120  120-150 150-180  180-210 210-240
No. of Schools 5 12 14 18 10 9 4


To draw a histogram first construct x-axis and y-axis, where the x-axis represents monthly school fee(in Rs) and y-axis represents the no. of schools. Now, by taking suitable intervals from the given frequency table, we construct the rectangles as shown in the below figure. 

Question 6. Draw a histogram for the daily earnings of 30 drug stores in the following table:

Daily Earnings(in Rs) 450 – 500  500 – 550 550-600 600-650 650-700
No. of Stores 16 10 7 3 1


To draw a histogram first construct x-axis and y-axis, where x-axis represents monthly daily earnings(in Rs) and y-axis represents the no. of stores. Now, by taking suitable intervals from the given frequency table, we construct the rectangles as shown in the below figure.