Class template with multiple parameters

Prerequisite: Templates in C++

While creating templates, it is possible to specify more than one type. We can use more than one generic data type in a class template. They are declared as a comma-separated list within the template as below:

template<class T1, class T2, ...>
class classname

// CPP program to illustrate
// Class template with multiple parameters
using namespace std;
// Class template with two parameters
template<class T1, class T2>
class Test
        T1 a;
        T2 b;
        Test(T1 x, T2 y)
            a = x;
            b = y;
        void show()
            cout << a << " and " << b << endl;
// Main Function
int main()
    // instantiation with float and int type
    Test <float, int> test1 (1.23, 123);
    // instantiation with float and char type
    Test <int, char> test2 (100, 'W');   
    return 0;


1.23 and 123
100 and  W

Explanation of the code:

  • In the above program, the Test constructor has two arguments of generic type.
  • The type of arguments is mentioned inside angle brackets < > while creating objects.
  • When argument is more than one, they are separated by commas.
  • Following statement
    Test  test1 (1.23, 123);

    tells the compiler that the first argument is of type float and another one is int type.

  • During creation of objects, constructor is called and values are received by template arguments.

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