Cloudanix Interview Experience for Software Engineer Intern

We can apply for an internship from their careers portal or you can simply write an email to the founder of Cloudanix.

In my case, I got the email address of the founder, from my friend who has already completed an internship from Cloudanix. You must be minimum available for 5-6 months for the internship. You may be working at Frontend or Backend on the basis of their requirements. In Frontend you will be working on Ruby on Rails and in Backend you will be working on Python if you are getting selected.

Round 1 (Technical Interview-I)

It was held in virtual mode. First, there will be normal discussion about yourself like intro, exp, etc. Then you will be given one DSA question to solve in 30-35 minutes.
The question that I was told to solve was -
You need to share your computer’s screen and you can write code in any editor of your choice using any programming language you are comfortable with. I choose C++.
Also, the Interviewer will give some test cases so make sure your code works for all the edge cases as well.
You must be comfortable enough to make changes as per the interviewer’s needs.

Round 2(Technical Interview-II)

It was held in virtual mode. First, there will be a normal discussion on your resume. Also, the interviewer shares some information about different products at Cloudanix.
Then I was asked a DSA question- Given two strings of the same length you have to return true if the second string can be formed by rotating the first string clockwise else return false.


  • s1 = IndvsEng , s2 = EngIndvs => True.
  • s1 = IndvsEng , s2 = EngvsInd => False.

I just told the interviewer 2 approaches to solve the problem and he was convinced and I didn’t write an entire code as of the first round.

2-3 days after my second round I received a call from the founder and he was happy to announce that I had been selected for the Software Engineer Intern role at Cloudanix.
And they onboarded me very next day.