Difference between Cloudflare and GoDaddy

Nowadays, in the market, there are numerous website options to register domain names in the consumer market with various features and characteristics to offer on the plate for the user. Cloudflare and GoDaddy are two domain registrars which are popularly used today.  

What is Cloudflare?

It is a type of registrar company which is offering the security of the website and infrastructure of the web. DDoS mitigation services are provided by Cloudflare. Its headquarters are situated in San Francisco. 

The other services that this domain offers are caching, DNS Security, Image Optimization, WebSockets, and Free SSL. In 2010, a content distribution network came into existence Cloudflare as one of the dominant services. It looks after the need of clients related to business and is defined as a serverless platform to perform computing functions.

In 2016, sensitive data including passwords and authentication tokens of clients was leaked due to a bug called Cloudflare Bleed which led to many criticisms.


  • It is free to use.
  • Only genuine traffic of users passes as this website is filtered.
  • There is protection from spams with the help of automated bots and spammers.
  • Accurate site analytics


  • There is an extra layer between the user and the website.
  • Many users complained of being blocked out.

What is GoDaddy?

It is a type of domain registrar that is available to the general public. Its headquarters are situated in Arizona with 20 million customers. It is one of the largest domains with a wide variety of services available. Also, it offers flexible payment methods. Those people who want to manage more than one domain in the enterprise, for them GoDaddy is a very ideal choice.

The one advantage of GoDaddy is that it allows various clients and organizations to maintain the domains and websites they hold from the same interface. Live chat support is not available to users for the whole 24 hours, which comes under the demerit category. Also, customer care services are not as efficient as they should be.


  • It is not free of cost to use but the prices are very affordable.
  • There are many payment options that are supported on GoDaddy.
  • GoDaddy has included Drupal and Joomla which is easily available with one click.   


  • Response is not always fast and could take up to 2 days for just one response from the team.
  • There are restoration fees for the website.
  • Live chat support system is not available.

Difference between Cloudflare and GoDaddy




Existence It came into existence in 2009. It came into existence in 1997.
Supported platforms It supports SaaS platforms. It supports Windows, Linux, and SaaS platforms.
Support  It offers a 24/7 live support system. It offers support only during business hours.
Version It has a free version. It lacks a free version.
Ideal Option It is ideal for any type of website or service that one wishes to protect. Whosoever needs to purchase the domain names then GoDaddy is an ideal option.
Web Hosting It lacks the option of web hosting. It is having web hosting option.
Alternative Options Alternative options for Cloudflare are AppTrana, ArvanCloud, and Akamai. Alternative options for GoDaddy are A2 Hosting, Scala Hosting, and Amazon Web Services.


Therefore, these both websites have their respective services to offer. Though, they seem similar but there are many differences in the various aspects. Cloudflare is easy to use while GoDaddy allows users to manage their domains and websites from the same interface. To conclude, both have their advantages and disadvantages respectively.