Code- Scheduling Constraints

Data dependence analysis is used to determine the order of execution of instructions. It is used to determine the order of execution of instructions because it gives an indication of how much effort will be required for a particular instruction to be executed at any given time. A data-dependent instruction can only be executed after all its dependent instructions have been completed.

A true data dependency exists if both operands are required for executing an instruction, which means that neither operand can be skipped during its execution without affecting program behavior (i.e., no bug). An anti-data dependency exists when one operand is not required for executing an instruction but another one may change its value and affect program behavior (i.e., bugs). An output dependence exists when more than one assembler statement depends upon receiving a constant value from another assembler statement; this means that if we change this constant value then our outputs will change accordingly even though they weren’t affected by our previous changes in values!

Finding Dependences Among Memory Accesses:

Array Data-Dependence Analysis:

To find the array data dependence, we need to carry out an analysis of arrays. We can use DSA (data-structure analysis) or MRA (memory reference analysis). The general idea behind this technique is to find all the different ways that array elements may be accessed in your program and their dependencies. The most popular way of doing this is by using a graph representation called a “tree” that shows how each variable affects other variables.

Pointer-Alias Analysis:

Pointer aliasing occurs when two pointers point to the same location in memory; they refer to different objects but hold references that point directly at each other’s addresses. This type of problem arises when you create multiple objects with similar names or structures but with different structure layouts.

For example, two lists are created with one list having more elements than another list does (the shorter list has been trimmed down) leading us into trouble when we attempt to access those elements later on down our code path!

The problem is that the compiler has no way of knowing which list we want to access; it could be either one of them. As a result, the compiler will generate code that is not thread-safe and unsafe.

The solution to this problem is to use a technique called pointer-alias analysis. This technique will go through your code and figure out which pointers are pointing at the same memory locations and make sure that no two pointers point at the same location. It does this by performing a simple operation called “conflict resolution” where it finds all possible conflicts between instances of objects that may be shared across threads.

Tradeoff Between Register Usage and Parallelism:

The compiler is responsible for making tradeoffs between register usage and parallelism. Register usage refers to the number of registers that a particular instruction uses at runtime, while parallelism refers to how many instructions can be executed in parallel by a single processor (or multiple processors).

The recommended strategy for producing the best performance is often called “register-level profiling,” which means measuring how much time your program spends using each register during execution and then modifying your code so it runs more efficiently on those scarce resources. A good example would be if you have an instruction like ADD_EQ which needs two operands: A and B; this means you need both these registers available at once when calculating addition or subtraction instead of keeping only one free for other purposes such as storing data into memory or passing arguments from function callbacks down through loops where needed. This can be improved by putting the two operands into separate registers, which allows you to use one temporarily while performing other instructions on it and then later retrieve the result of your calculation. If a processor has only one register available at any given time, then this is known as “register pressure” or “register contention“.

The registers in a processor are not infinite, and if you try to use more than the available number of them at any given time then performance will suffer. This means that if you have a loop that is iterating over an array, for example, then it may be beneficial to move some of the data into memory before going through each iteration rather than keeping all of it in registers (which would require a lot of copying back and forth).

Phase Ordering Between Register Allocation and Code Scheduling

Register allocation and code scheduling are two phases of the compiler. Register allocation is the first phase that allocates registers for a particular instruction, whereas code scheduling refers to the second phase where instructions are placed into machine language. The two phases are independent of each other; however, they can be performed in any order or interleaved with each other.

The register allocation process consists of three steps: 

  1. Add registers (addressing mode)
  2. Allocate new register (allocator)
  3. Assign value to those registers based on their usage by different instructions within the program text (assignment). 

A specific number of registers will be allocated per each instruction in order for it to execute properly at run time; this need not necessarily match between all possible execution paths through an application program during one pass through its source code as part of link-time optimization analysis efforts such as static single assignment form analysis technique.

In contrast with register allocation where only one value may be assigned per branch conditionally executed branch instruction only needs two semantically equivalent operands but still requires three clocks cycles total processing time due  to additional explicit clock cycles required when used together with explicit clock signal generation hardware componentry rather than being used solely in conjunction with precompiled libraries which themselves typically contain many branches since most programs do not have significant portions consisting primarily out only a few big chunks like main() routine might require hundreds-thousands lines worth runtime overhead per iteration loop counter running over N iterations before finally reaching endpoint conditionally executed section.”

Control Dependence

Control-dependence constraints are the most common data-flow constraints to consider in code scheduling. They can be classified as true, anti, and output.

True control dependence arises when a control statement depends on the result of another control statement or other statements. For example, if you have an IF statement with two expressions that use the same variable, then you must ensure that they are executed in order, or else your program may not work correctly.

Anti-control dependence occurs when two independent computations need not be performed together (e.g., A and B) but both of them can execute simultaneously without affecting each other’s results (e.g., A-B). This type of constraint is often called “data sharing” because it allows multiple computations to share access to shared resources such as variables and registers without interfering with each other through implicit mutual exclusion mechanisms such as memory barriers or synchronization mechanisms like critical sections within threads; however there may still be some degree of mutual interference due simply because one thread might try accessing before another thread has finished using those resources!

Speculative Execution Support:

Speculative execution is when a processor makes assumptions about the future state of its environment (i.e., instructions that are executed on other processors), then executes those instructions based on these assumptions. The result of this process is usually more efficient than all assumptions made at once; however, there are costs associated with making these kinds of decisions at runtime rather than waiting until they occur during program execution (like in normal code). Speculative executions are often seen as an alternative approach because they allow programmers to make runtime decisions before they actually need them instead of waiting until after everything has been executed already!

The term speculative execution is used to describe a processor’s ability to make assumptions about future instructions. This can be done by using thread-level parallelism, which allows multiple instructions from different threads of execution to run at the same time.

A Basic Machine Model:

The basic machine model consists of a register file, an instruction fetch unit, and an execution unit. The register file is used to store the contents of memory locations while they are being modified; it holds only one value at a time (a value can be either in or out). The instruction fetch unit fetches instructions from memory that are needed by the program being executed (or if there is no more space left in the register file, then it provides additional storage). After being fetched, these instructions are decoded into machine code before being executed by the execution unit which determines how they need to be executed within their context as well as some other details such as whether or not there are any exceptions that have been detected during compilation so far.


Code scheduling is an important part of compiler design. It is necessary to know more about the code-scheduling process because it can help you ensure that your compiler is producing optimal machines for programs.

There are three steps in code scheduling:

  1. Identify all the instructions that need to be scheduled before each jump, and their positions relative to each other (e.g., there are two instructions after an LBR instruction).
  2. Determine when these instructions should actually execute based on program counter values and other information such as branch prediction tables, register usage information, etc., which then allows us to make decisions about how much time we want each instruction type to spend executing before jumping forward again.
  3. Generate machine code from our algorithm so that all instructions will be executed exactly when they were intended without any stalls or collisions due mainly because there aren’t enough registers available within our microprocessor architecture


As it is clear from the above, the compiler is a very important part of the programming language. It is helpful in making programs run quickly and smoothly. But one must also be aware of the constraints imposed by the hardware on these machines. These constraints may not affect all compilers equally; some might be more powerful than others while others simply cannot handle them well at all. So if you want to write programs that are compatible with those available today or in future generations then there are certain things that need to be taken care of before writing even a single line of code.