CodeClause Interview Experience for Artificial Intelligence Intern

Before I start, let me introduce myself. I am a sophomore pursuing B.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. During my second semester in B.Tech, I was actively looking for internships here and there, and that’s when CodeClause came into the picture. I found one of my connections on LinkedIn posting about his internship at CodeClause as a Web intern and I browsed through their site and found out that they offer internships in other domains as well.

That was when I applied for their internship in Artificial Intelligence.

The application process was pretty simple and we just had to fill out a form stating our necessary details and educational qualification. Then we were provided with an offer letter.

The internship was of 1 month and completely remote so that students don’t have to suffer with their academics.

To complete the internships, we were provided with some tasks that one has to complete to get the completion certificate.

I was provided with the following tasks:

  1. I had to make a House Price Prediction project using Jupyter Notebook and Python. It was very interesting and honestly my first big project.
  2. The second task was somewhat similar as I had to make Gold Price Prediction project using Jupyter Notebook and Python.
  3. The third task was to make a Blindness Detection model and although it was a bit challenging for me, I sought help from different resources and finally made it.
  4. The final task was to make a Personality Prediction System via CV Analysis. It was again a very interesting project which made me upskill myself.

To sum up I will say, though it was an unpaid internship, I can’t be more grateful for it because it succeeded in sowing the seed of passion in me for the domain of Artificial Intelligence. It was certainly an enriching and fulfilling experience.