CODEX-24 Hackathon Experience

Hello Guys

I’m thrilled to share my experience of my first-ever HackathonCODEX-24″.

The electrifying energy crackled in the air as I entered the gates of PIET on May 10th, 2024, for CODEX-24, my first-ever hackathon. The challenge: submit an idea that could revolutionize our lives. Amongst a sea of passionate minds, our team, “Bug Squashers” emerged with a concept that resonated deeply – a citizen reporting app.

The first hurdle? The initial screening. We poured our hearts into our proposal, a solution to the everyday problems that often go unnoticed: overflowing garbage bins, pesky potholes, and unidentified vehicles. To our immense joy, we made the cut, joining the elite group of 60 teams who would battle it out in the offline hackathon.

The next 24 hours were a whirlwind of innovation and collaboration. Fueled by delicious meals and the infectious energy of DJ nights, we dove headfirst into development. Flutter technology became our weapon of choice as we built our app, brick by brick. Google Maps API became our ally, guiding users to report locations. But our secret weapon? An Optical Character Recognition Model (OCR) – a cutting-edge feature that would truly set us apart.

The mentors transformed from judges to guiding lights, offering invaluable insights and fueling our determination. The camaraderie among participants was inspiring, with everyone pushing each other to greater heights. Sleep deprivation became a badge of honor, fueled by the shared passion for creating something groundbreaking.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. Presenting our brainchild, the citizen reporting app, to the jury was nerve-wracking, yet exhilarating. The innovative features, the seamless integration of OCR, and the sheer practicality of our solution resonated with the judges. To our astonishment, we secured a well-deserved 4th place, along with some incredible goodies from @Hackingly!

But beyond the recognition, the true reward was the journey itself. CODEX-24 wasn’t just a competition; it was a crucible that forged friendships, ignited creativity, and pushed us to transform a simple idea into a tangible solution. The experience left me exhilarated, brimming with newfound knowledge, and eager to take on the next coding challenge.