CodingMart Interview Experience (On-Campus)

It was a campus interview where a selected set of students appeared for the Interview. Students selected for Internship will undergo 9 months of internship and based on their performance they will be given either of the below two roles.


1. Full stack Engineering (Frontend + Backend + DevOps + Testing)

2. Quality Engineering (Testing + DevOps)


1. 9 months of internship – 1.2 Lakhs

2. Full stack engineer – 4.2 LPA

3. Quality Engineer – 3.6 LPA

Internship – Stipend – Breakdown




Phase 1

4 months

Rs 10,000

Phase 2

3 months

Rs 13,000

Phase 3

2 months

Rs 20,000


● Duration of each phase may vary depending on individuals performance during each phase.

● Every phase is eliminatory, Phase conversion is subject to individuals performance.

● Leaves taken will be extended in the internship duration.

Technical Assessment Process:

The process consists of Technical rounds & a HR Discussion.

1. ROUND 1. Data Structure & Algorithms – MCQ’s

2. ROUND 2. Implement the Math Formula in desired language

3. ROUND 3. Learn and apply & Task evaluation (Tech Round)

4. ROUND 4. HR Interview.

The Interview took two days, on the first day(12.04.2024) first two rounds took place and on the second day(13.04.2024) last two rounds took place.

Round 1:

It was fine easy set of MCQ questions based on DSA

tips: Give importance to following topics

postfix – infix – prefix conversions and evaluations

Time Complexities of common algo’s

Error in Code (try dry run of code Snippets)

Round 2:

Just practice DSA question to ace this round.

Below are the questions asked for our batch where each student is given one of these problems

1.Implement the program for calculator with the expressions.


output: 2

Input: 2+(3*(2-2)-2

Output: Error: Paranthesis not closed

2.You are given an array of n integers representing the weights of n people and an integer

limit representing the maximum weight capacity of a boat. You have an infinite number of

boats, each of which can carry at most three people at the same time, provided the sum

of the weight of those people is at most limit.

Write a function to return the group of people who can travel in the same boat, such that

each boat is filled optimally (i.e. carrying the maximum number of people possible). If

there are multiple solutions, return any one of them.


All the weights are positive integers and are not greater than limit.

The number of people is not greater than 3*n.

For example:

Input: people = [1, 2, 2, 1, 3], limit = 3

Output: [[1, 2], [2, 1], [3]]

Explanation: We can use three boats to carry all the people:

boat 1: (1, 2), weight = 3

boat 2: (2, 1), weight = 3

boat 3: (3), weight = 3

Input: people = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5,2, 6], limit = 6

Output: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 2], [5],[6]]

Explanation: We can use four boats to carry all the people:

boat 1: (1, 2, 3), weight = 6

boat 2: (4, 2), weight = 6

boat 3: (5), weight = 5

boat 4: (6), weight = 6

3.Longest Alternating Subsequence

Given an array of integers nums, your task is to find the longest alternating subsequence. A

subsequence is considered alternating if the elements are in alternating order, i.e The sequence

alternates between being greater and smaller than the previous element.

Write a function longestAlternatingSubsequence(nums) that takes one parameter:

1. nums: An array of integers representing the input sequence.

2. The function should return an array containing the longest alternating subsequence.

Input : nums = [8, 9, 6, 4, 5, 7, 3, 2, 4]

Output : [8, 9, 6, 7, 3, 4]

Explanation :

● Inthis subsequence, the elements alternate between being greater and smaller than the

previous element: (8 < 9 > 6 < 7 > 3 < 4).

4.A class has n students, and each student’s score is determined by their academic performance.

Each student should receive attention from the teacher based on their grades (Students having

lower score gets more attention)

Find the number of times the attention each student should receive based on the

following conditions.

● Eachstudent should be taken care of at least once.

● Thescores are given in chronological order. Students having lower scores get

more attention than their neighbors.

Sample Input1:

Scores of N students =[5,1,2,6,3,4]

Sample output1:

Number of times attentions required for N number of students=[1,3,2,1,2,1]


1. Initially, each student gets at least one attention:


2. Give more attention to students whose score is less than their neighbors.


we were asked to code in note pad.

Round 3:

This is also a simple round where they tested our analytical skills. It is somewhat similiar to Aptitude

Round 4:

This is were we need to have our powerful WEAPON “RESUME” just dont lie in the resume.

question will be from ur resume.