Cognizant GenC Interview Experience

Round I : Aptitutude Test and Coding Test

Cognizant has introduced a program known as Digital Nurture 2.0, which primarily focuses on cybersecurity. A select group of students from our class was chosen to participate in this program. Subsequently, the participants were divided into two teams: one dedicated to Java and the other to .NET. I was designated for the Java team.

Round II : Completion Of Courses with above 90% score

There are few UDEMY course which we have to complete in 6 months , Later they have extended time for a month. Each course is evaluating and important just solve there problems correctly. If you have doubts then there is seperate portal for it they will reply easily on that platform. Upon successful completion of the course, participants were given the opportunity to attend an interview.

TIips: Complete each thing on time, solve problems and submit it before deadlines !

Round ||| : Interview

The interview process included various components, including a coding question, an assessment of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, and an evaluation of database management system (DBMS) knowledge. Additionally, the interview featured inquiries related to my personal background, such as information about my hometown, as well as questions regarding my familiarity with Cognizant. The interview lasted for a duration of 35 minutes and was conducted to assess the qualifications and suitability of the candidates for the roles within the program.

Tips: Stay Confident in any interview, as a fresher they don’t expect a lot but whatever you know explain it in the correct and confident way!