Cognizant Interview Experience

He started with Tell me Something about you. The following Technical questions were asked:

  • Tell me About Your Minor and Major projects.
  • Can You Elaborate Major Project?
  • What are illegal (A Personal Website created by me.)
  • Did You host alone?
  • Tell me the entire process of Web Hosting.
  • Why don’t you host your website on cloud platforms like AWS and Azure?
  • Are you aware of Python?
  • What is Django?
  • Enlist the Technologies used in this website.
  • What is Bootstrap?
  • What is PHP and MySQL?
  • Write Syntax to update column properties.
  • How will you combine two languages?
  • Write the code in the chat box to combine two languages.
  • Give me the steps to create this Query sheet form (A form used on my website)
  • How will you retrieve the values submitted by this form?
  • Why do you use only RDBMS in your Website?
  • Tell me the OSI layers.
  • In which layer is HTML in OSI model.
  • Tell me basic pillars of oops technology?
  • What is the main difference between JAVA and CPP.

He gave me a JAVA code and ask me to write output of particular code.(Code is basically on inherited classes)

  • Explain me the logic behind your output.

Then he gave me two aptitude questions and ask me to solve them within 3 minutes.

Aptitude questions:

  1. In a bank there are three types of coins, 1rupee, 3rupee, 5rupee in the ratio of 3:4:5 respectively. The total value is Rs 1450. The total number of coins is?
  2. A does a work in 12 days and B does the same work in 18 days. In how many days they together will do the same work?

Then He asked me following HR questions:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why you choose Cognizant?
  • Where do you see yourself in next 5 years.
  • Tell me an incident which defines that you are a lead person.
  • What if we assign you a project which is not relevant to your skills

These are some points which defines why were I selected:

  • I was well prepared for Aptitude.
  • I am good in coding which helps to solve automata questions and one JAVA code asked in interview.
  • I am well versed in basics of core subjects like DBMS, DS, OOPS, JAVA, CPP, Web Technology.
  • I have full knowledge of my projects and internships.